2019-02-04 RPWG Meeting notes



Discussion items

How to Structure Reporting Subgroup meetings moving forwardAll
  • Shall we open up this group to the rest of the Reporting SIG?
  • make this a working group with homework?
  • move the meeting time to mornings?


 Next Steps

  • building out the schema data and/or loader
  • need to have sample data catch up
  • see if members of Reporting SIG are willing to stand up their own database
  • look at documenting in GITHub

Please give Nassib Feedback on these items

  • look at "not available" data label
  • continue testing loans and users schema
  • feedback on the data generator

State of Development

  • building data warehouse features
  • accommodate historical data
  • working on data loader, making it performant
  • working on adding data for second prototype
  • data loader can do incremental updates and can be run in batch mode
  • Roman working on new sample data generator
  • Need sample data
  • 1 million loan transactions in database


  • "Getting Started" documentation in the wiki
  • Query and Software Development documentation maintained in GitHub

Data Structure

  • review





  • we can track versioning of dimension tables
  • record effective attribute is a time stamp showing when the data was loaded
  • "keys" added to allow multiple rows with the same userid (at different times)

Star Schema

  • for testing the Star Schema, be sure you are working with "d_" or "f_" tables; this naming convention will change soon

Action items

  • Sharon Beltaine will add Feb 18 Reporting SIG Agenda item for Nassib to ask if anyone wants to set up a reporting database
  • Sharon Beltaine will send email asking folks to join reporting prototype subgroup