2024-04-18 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

2024-04-18 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes


Apr 16, 2024


  • @Alexis Manheim @Charlotte Whitt @Kristin Martin @Jennifer Eustis @Gang Zhou @Martina Schildt @Owen Stephens @Paul Moeller @Brooks Travis @Jesse Koennecke @Martina Tumulla @Aaron Neslin @Peter Murray @Thomas Trutt @Tod Olson @Lisa McColl @Jana Freytag @Christopher Spalding @Maura Byrne @Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Note taker: @Charlotte Whitt

 Discussion topics





Action items





Action items

5 min



April SIG reports: SIG Reports 2024-04-18 - most SIG conveners has updated data. Deadline for adding more content will be by the end of today.

The newly hired Developer Advocate started this week. Jeremy Huff (TAMU) will help him unboarding to the FOLIO project.

There will be high level introduction to the FOLIO project. Invitation to this event can be send our via Rachel’s usual email list.


15 min

Upcoming PC election

@Alexis Manheim @Kristin Martin

Need to recruit folks to run for seats!

Terms ending June 2024:
Gang Zhou (Shanghai Library)
Paul Moeller (U of Colorado Boulder)
Owen Stephens (Knowledge Integration)
Alexis Manheim (Stanford Libraries)
Martina Tumulla (hbz, Cologne)

Elections will happen in June. Alexis encouraged current PC members to consider if they would be willing to run for another term. Paul and Alexis can run again. The election rules are: If a PC member has served for two rounds or 2x2 years, then they will not be eligable for another term. Only one PC member from each institution.

Kristin and Alexis encouraged new FOLIO members to consider running for a seat at PC. Kristin underlined that PC members individually bring a special competence to the table - e.g. SIG domain knowledge, being a liaison for SIGs/Working groups, Product owner, attending working groups etc. Time commitment: 1.5 hour meeting per week + extra work. Alexis Manheim is representing self hosting institutions; but important to have this in mind for the PC composition. Kristin also mentioned that geographical affiliation should be considered.

The PC will bring to the CC an ask for review of the current by laws. But this work will most likely not be ready for the election coming up in June 2024. CC members can only be elected among OLF members, in order to have a voting seat.

All PC members to reach out to 2 persons and try to recruite candidates

30 min

WOLFCon proposals

@Jesse Koennecke @Jennifer Eustis

Please review this copy of the WOLFCon submissions spreadsheet. Are there any gaps in the schedule (missing topics, etc.) or other issues, questions, suggestions from the PC?


Jesse noted there is a lot of great proposals for WOLFcon 2024 sessions. Total of 78-79 sessions submitted. A couple of workshops. A few very short talk sessions, which might be brought together in one sessions. A couple of lightning talks. There is a little wrickle room for more proposals. In the next 1-2 weeks the planning commitee will send out a preliminary program.

Jennifer Eustis will reach out to Ryan Taylor and ask him if there will be a couple of Data Import sessions.

Kristin Martin will submit a Road map update session.

Getting an update on the ongoing work on App and Platform Formalization work would also be relevant to get at WOLFcon - especially with 2/3 of all customers in North America will be shifting to the Eureka platform. Jenn Colt the convener of the Tri-Council working group has submitted a place holder text.

Martina Schildt suggested to do a talk within the Community, about what roles are needed for the SIG’s continued work.

Kristin Martin, could also see a need for a Tri-Council meeting, where participants are encourage to come and meet your representatives and aks your questions, and productive feedback.

On the last day (Friday) - there will be held shoulders meeting. Kirstin Kemner-Heek suggested to keep room for talks which has evolved during WOLFcon 2024 (Tuesday to Friday).

Topics for the shoulders meeting will be captured on a retro board, and we will start gather topics now, and then we can vote on the topics. Same procedure as we did last year.

Kirstin Martin has noted a couple of sessions submitted by people not affiliated with the FOLIO community. Jesse will reach out to them.

Start a retro board to capture topics for the shoulder meetings on Friday 9/27/2024


5 min

Future topics




 Action items


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