Issues with Kafka configuration prevent Elasticsearch completing re-index. It is being addressed but until it is resolved there are problems with ES indexing
MSEARCH-116 Instance - support full text search notes field
MSEARCH-117 Holdings - support full text search notes field
MSEARCH-118 Items - support full text search notes field
Revisit holdings and items call numbers (normalized and eye readable)
Revisit contributor exact match search
Issues with Kafka configuration prevent Elasticsearch completing re-index. It is being addressed but until it is resolved there are problems with ES indexing
In the Bugfest environment, 2 million records were indexed out of the 8 million. This is why records in Inventory that were searched for in the last meeting were not returned.
The configuration uses the same instance of Kafka that is used in other environments. Messages between Inventory and other modules, among them Elasticsearch, are not transmitting because there is no identifier in place to verify destination.
Hot fix for Iris released to handle this issue.
Will be released in Juniper as well.
MSEARCH-116Instance - support full text search notes field
Separate search for HRID, search for identifier (all) in place.
MSEARCH-117Holdings - support full text search notes field
Public notes already searchable; staff notes separately searchable in development. Should be done by the end of sprint (backend only—functionality not currently available through UI)
MSEARCH-118 Items - support full text search notes field
Charlotte checked with UI WG on circulation notes and was told they would like for check in/check out notes to be searchable as well.