2021-08-23 - Inventory Search Improvements Meeting
2021-08-23 - Inventory Search Improvements Meeting
Attendees: Magda Zacharska Natascha Owens Laura E Daniels Kimberly Pamplin Charlotte Whitt Monica Arnold
Note-taker: Kimberly Pamplin
Recording: https://vod.video.cornell.edu/media/Inventory+Search+Improvements+Working+Group/1_5q3lc6bp
- Update from dev:
- Re-indexing update
- Primary contributor search
- Search by all inventory records properties
- Review
- Identifiers (all) search for holdings
- Identifiers (all) search for items
- Circulation notes search for items
- Use cases overview:
- Search by contributor and title
- Search by primary contributor and title
- Existing pain points (examples provided by librarians)
Re-indexing Update
- Juniper is now fully indexed, and ES searches should go to all inventory records.
- May have broken the snapshot environment but should be resolved shortly.
- Reacting to changes that are being made to Kafka configuration.
Primary Contributor Search
- Searching by primary contributor only.
- Filtering by primary contributor is a Boolean search.
- In Insomnia: Contributors = “Steinbeck, John, 1902-1968” AND contributors.primary = true
Search by All Inventory Records Properties
- This is doable and have created a proof of concept.
- Did not want to make as part of already existing keyword search as performance will be impacted.
- mod-search / MSEARCH-168
- Next spring
- Difficult to determine the relevancy; probably not able to rely on return ranking
- Once they have findings will meet and discuss.
- Identifiers (all) search for holdings
- Functionality added in backend at this point. In Insomnia:
- holdingIdentifiers all “formerId”
- holdingIdentifiers all “h000000000009”
- Functionality added in backend at this point. In Insomnia:
- Identifiers (all) search of items
- itemIdentifiers all “formerItem*”
- itemIdentifiers all “it115” -- (HRID)
- itemIdentifiers all “AN7766” -- (Accession #)
Circulation notes search for items
- circulationNotes.note all “*”
- Notes in the item record
- Example in Bugfest-Juniper:
- Inventory
- Location UC/HP/SPCL/Rosen
- 100 Contemporary American Jewish painters and sculptors
- Open item > edit > scroll down > Add check in / check out note
- Choose Type: “Check in note” or “Check out note”
- All notes search should also include circulation notes whether public or staff.
- itemPublicNotes all “*” – If circulation note is not marked as staff only should it be included in public notes?
- Yes, because it is a type of public note.
- Will also be consistent.
- Would you ever search by circulation notes only?
- Yes, verifying consistency.
- Staff notes are being searched as part of all notes. Do not have a search by staff notes only.
- Can add if strong requirement, but discussed previously and do not currently have use case.
Use Cases Overview (29 min. after).
- Search by contributor and title.
- Already implemented.
- Insomnia
- title all “Tree grows” AND contributors all smith
- 7 instances; in all Betty Smith is the contributor and the title is Tree Grows in Brooklyn
- Search by primary contributor and title.
Existing Pain Points: Call Number Browse (38 min. after)
- Currently a huge pain point (Cornell)
- Catalogers need to browse with every title that is cataloged to verify that the assigned call numbers works.
- Need to browse all cataloged materials that have been assigned a call number, seeing what comes before and after.
- Cannot currently present as browse list
- Want to be able to do a call number search and a call number browse
- If searching something like PG 637. I88O, only want anything with that exact call number to appear.
- If browsing want to see what comes before it and what comes after it, in context.
- Possible to have an extra "browse button" ?
- Browse on not just call numbers, but names, etc.
- Cornell’s site has call number search and call number browse.
- https://newcatalog.library.cornell.edu/
- Can keep going forward and backward.
- Would be fine with it not being infinite; can’t imagine someone searching something in PG1 if they wanted something in PG2.
- In staff search would not want to have to go to record and click to browse, would just want to perform a browse.
- May want to gray out the button when it is not relevant to the search.
- Define what properties would like to be browsable
- FOLIO supports call number shelf order for Library of Congress.
- Shelving order element used to sort, but not what would be wanted to search / enter for browse.
- effectiveShelvingOrder is normalized so that it will sort correctly; has extra characters to make sure things are in the correct order. Want to display the actual call number.
From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone: 09:53 AM
The work we did within UXPROD-2002
- For e.g.:
- Effective call number string : PG637.S28 1991 c.1
- Shelving Order: PG 3637 S28 41991 C 11 – (If you have a list and sort, this allows sorting in the proper order)
- When you input a call number, FOLIO creates a normalized call number for it.
From Mark Arnold to Everyone: 09:56 AM
query=effectiveShelvingOrder>="QA*" and effectiveShelvingOrder<"QB*" &limit=1000
- Will return to this next time.
If you have other pain points, please free to add them to the list or mention in Slack.
September 6 is Labor Day in the US. Will send a survey in Slack for best day to meet next.