2021-06-14 - Inventory Search Improvements Meeting
2021-06-14 - Inventory Search Improvements Meeting
Attendees: Brian, Laura, Kimberly, Charlotte, Natasha, Magda
Note-taker: Brian Clark
Recording: https://vod.video.cornell.edu/media/Inventory+Search+Improvements+Working+Group/1_31kobatg
- Continue reviewing Inventory search use cases: Inventory Search Use Cases
Uses cases reviewed:
- Use cases added by Laura
- Charlotte: A broader perspective on use cases is important, not just catalogers. Will ask the RM working group for feedback.
- Natascha: It is important how the results list displays. Not just list of bibs
- These kinds of comments can be added to the notes column on the search improvements uses cases table.
- Laura: Added separate column: expected data on the results list
- Questions on what was already added to the search improvements table:
- Searching by resource title/alternate title: would you like to be able to specify title all/alternate title?
- Laura: In most cases we want title all, but in some cases we want alternate title with a specific type (i.e., uniform title)
- Charlotte: Identify any alternative title type and see if it was applied consistently?
- Laura: I have never wanted to do that. Do want to be able to search for an exact phrase for title all/alternate/series. Especially important for acquisitions
- Exact search implemented on back end, but not available through UI
- Laura: I have never wanted to do that. Do want to be able to search for an exact phrase for title all/alternate/series. Especially important for acquisitions
- Magda: Do you want to be able to search specifically by resource title? There is no way to search instance title except by title all.
- Laura: Not by resource title, but definitely by alternative title (i.e. uniform)
- Natascha: Agree. Except in some cases, we would prefer for it be bunched together. We would maybe expect results to be sorted alphabetically, but that doesn’t seem to be happening
- Charlotte: In UI group, we are talking about an action window for sorting
- Magda: In Elastic Search, by default, ordering is by rank relevance, but can be sorted alphabetically
- Charlotte: This should be fixed when working on bugs. Order by index title
- Laura: Default sort would be determined by kind of sort. I.e., if searching by call number, search should be sorted on call number
- Resource title has same weight as alternative title. Is this not wanted?
- This sounds like what we want. Don’t want to have to know variations of title to be able to find resource on list. i.e., time.
- Magda: I believe this is the default. The algorithm takes into account frequency of word
- Magda: What about alternative titles?
- Kimberly: I think I would just use title all
- Magda: So only uniform title would be of interest
- Laura: Combining uniform title and contributor is especially important to catalogers
- Instance – contributor: would inverted names be an issue?
- John Steinbeck; Steinbeck, John, etc.
- Use cases needed.
- Laura: Should be able to accommodate both
- Sort order default would be index title if more than one contributor found
- Magda: Please continue adding use cases
- Searching by resource title/alternate title: would you like to be able to specify title all/alternate title?