2020-10-23 Retrospective Spitfire
2020-10-23 Retrospective Spitfire
What did we do well?
- KG - Great job with usage consolidation and I appreciate the leadership on automated accessibility testing. +
- KG - Great release! We were able to complete all Honeysuckle features. No spillover.
- DT - Team's moving toward active Scratch env usage. New feature can be deployed and tested before merging to master. It increases robustness of our code, allow for immediate feedback, makes integration between UI and BE more simple +
- Rancher is great tool for ongoing testing
What should we have done better?
- DT - In general module releases went well, but one issue (with logging) was not payed attention to immediately. This led to additional patch releases of several modules/libraries - Move to Release retrospective
- Additional time is required for get practice with Rancher for successful roll out
- Rancher service should put some notifications regarding resources stopping and allocation
- DT - In general module releases went well, but one issue (with logging) was not payed attention to immediately. This led to additional patch releases of several modules/libraries - Move to Release retrospective → Oleksii Petrenko
- Additional time is required for get practice with Rancher for successful roll out → Team
- Rancher service should put some notifications regarding resources stopping and allocation. Reach out to Sergiy Vysotskiy and Stanislav Miroshnichenko → Oleksii Petrenko
August 2020
- 50% Validate prepared stories quicker when it is deployed to Snapshort environment → Khalilah Gambrell patty.wanninger
- Issue with MOD-USER-IMPORT: Expectation of user is contradict with team's one
- Validate requirements by User Management SIG group or PO(Ian Walls) from MOD-USER-IMPORT before presenting them to the team → Khalilah Gambrell
July 2020
- Bugfix release cause misunderstanding when working with different jira projects and different git projects.
- Post new process instruction to Spitfire channel
- Need stabilize release process
June 2020
- Prepare possible plan for extending current testing approach → Denys Bohdan maksym_dryha Владислав Велицкий
- Verify affected areas manually → Team
- Report issues to stripes team while development → Team
- Check all acceptance criteria while dev testing → Team, Khalilah Gambrell
- Sync with BE team and dependency detection → Team
- Part of definition of done (Include accessibility testing to testing activities by FE team) → Oleksii Petrenko
- Run accessibility checker more frequently and include it to CI pipeline (Run once in the sprint by FE team) → FE team
- Clarify more carefully hidden scenarios in acceptance criteria → Team, Khalilah Gambrell
- Create stories more carefully to avoid situation that we missed some at the end → Team, Khalilah Gambrell
- Include to release preparation plan interface update for 2 weeks before release deadline (Bump up latest version of interfaces were too later) → Oleksii Petrenko
, multiple selections available,