2018-11-14 - Consortia SIG Notes




Discussion items



brief meeting

Product Council Update: multi-tenant implementation model summary statement 


  • Advice from PC about this topic?

    • Question: what are the Consortia SIG’s next priorities / activities?

      • Reach out to other SIG’s / SysOps / TC

      • TC especially to discuss technical architecture

    • Feature list/JIRA Tickets is/are very helpful - expanding this with more information would be a good next step (like: writing stories, meet with Harry/Cate to discuss deeper)

    • Are there dependencies regarding the workflow development? Like in "workflow Proof of concept" is there an open source solution already available

      • Are there already tools available to be used? Ask TC and the Consortia SIG members about this.
    • Harry and Cate will get in touch with Consortia SIG with more suggestions after reviewing the JIRA tickets.

    • Mike G. will take the topic to the TC and come back to the Consortia SIG


Meeting Nov 21st will be cancelled

Next Consortia SIG meeting - November 28th

Action items
