2018-05-30 - Consortia SIG Notes




  • Determine path forward for documenting prioritized consortial features

Discussion items



Consortial features - next steps to get these in development queue


Vocabulary for describing models

  • might be necessary to have both a "technical" label and a "lay person" label for the models
  • keep as-is for now
    • single-tenant/shared model
    • multi-tenant/separate model


  • Multi-tenant consortia
    • create new features in JIRA for each line under one "multi-tenant consortia" Epic
    • Tania Hewes and/or Cate Boerema (Deactivated) will bulk load spreadsheet features that are "Both" or "Multi-tenant". David Dahl will let them know when it is ready.
  • Single-tenant
    • review list of features and see what is already available/possible in FOLIO (gap analysis)

Q: Do we need to break into multiple spreadsheets? Yes - one for single, one for multi

  • May actually need two subgroups to tackle each; these are two separate development paths that will require separate solutions
  • Form single-tenant subgroup to do a gap analysis of feature requirements
    • review discussion from WOLFcon
    • would be good to have a PO/project architect involved (i.e. someone with in-depth knowledge of current/planned FOLIO functionality)

Q: How much have these been vetted? Fairly confident that these are comprehensive of what consortia need. Many are pretty high-level and may be difficult to assess work estimates.


Next week

  • review what's imported into JIRA for multi-tenant
  • discuss approach to full Consortia SIG vs. breakout groups

Action items

  • David Dahl will break spreadsheet into two tabs
  • David Dahl will reach out to Steve Bischof about Five Colleges' leadership of single-tenant/shared model subgroup