2018-02-21 - Consortia SIG Notes

2018-02-21 - Consortia SIG Notes




  • Identify questions/feedback related to FOLIO location hierarchy approach

Discussion items





Location hierarchy review and discussion


MM SIG meeting tomorrow (2/22) to discuss location hierarchy.

Reminder: consortial use cases - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Un1PhPEB2iMdCkiRfTbBOOYwUz3kBPZ5En5HasqIUGA/edit?usp=sharing


  • Collections seem like they could be an important element in loan rules, though perhaps "Collection" could be a Parking element.
  • Joint facilities: how would these be represented in the location hierarchy? (see scenario #2 in the Google Doc)
  • Floating collections: is this a use case for the Collections attribute? Can the Collection attribute extend beyond the location hierarchy? (i.e. can a common collection attribute be used to tie together items in different institutions)
  • There was a question about how well this model would extend to other areas of the system. For consortia, different hierarchies might be needed for different functional areas - the way a member library is represented in the hierarchy may differ in need for circulation versus e-resource licensing.
  • How does the Institution level map to a tenant? Can a single FOLIO tenant have multiple Institution values or is it implied that there is only one value at the Institution level? (This might have implications for the various ways in which consortia might be represented in FOLIO.)
  • When we say consortia live outside the hierarchy, are there ideas about what defines the consortia?


David will post questions to Discuss

Next week

  • one of the following
    • continued discussion of Location Model with Cate (if available)
    • review of either Codex or Inventory (David will pass along some resources for advanced review) if we go this route

Action items