2018-06-27 - Consortia SIG Notes




Discussion items



  • next week's meeting (July 4)

Next week's meeting is canceled; next meeting will be July 11th

15min Implementation Models Subgroup Updates/Discussion Steve/All 

 No regular meetings at this point. Steve and Anya are working on a gap analysis and will share on the SIG listserv as it progresses.

Goal of effort is to get some clarity about consortial implementation options. Once those are clear(er), the subgroup can start working on recommendations for why a consortium might choose a particular implementation model (assuming that there are multiple).


Union catalogs discussion

  • UXPROD-293 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • needs, use cases, technologies/products used

Looks like inventory and codex will have location data points

OhioLink - have to do exports to union catalog discovery layers

  • using EDS, consortium requests are processed through INN-reach
  • deleted records can't be removed from discovery layer (no trace of it)
  • will FOLIO require extracts or have some sort of "publishing" mechanism (i.e. push updates)?

Permissions scoping - is this referring to loan rules?


  • pre-defined groups - group by physical location, institution type, etc.
  • take action on record/item (placing requests, etc.)
    • real-time request availability indication
      • requires patron to authenticate in order to determine availability
  • what edge APIs will be available
  • patron interface - account info
    • being worked on for EDS

Review other consortia Jiras: UXPROD-794 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • let David know if there's something you'd like to see the SIG discuss

Action items
