2018-02-28 - Consortia SIG Notes




Discussion items



30minTags subgroup


  • Tags as cross-FOLIO app - can be used by other apps
  • benefits: more flexible, valuable for reporting, can be structured or open

Consortia implications/possibilities

  • how might this work in a multi-tenant consortial setup?
    • probably not a v1 feature but something to keep in mind
  • this could be useful as part of our Coordinated Collections service - especially for flagging items that fall within retention agreements
    • could possibly trigger functionality to alert staff when they're about to discard an item that they have agreed to retain (i.e. "do you really want to do this?")

SIG members should contact David Dahl by end of day this Thursday (3/1) if interested in participating in subgroup.


SIG planning

  • what activities would be useful for us to pursue?

David is out on 3/7 and 3/21 - meeting schedule TBD


  • create schedule of experts, POs, and others who are working on various aspects of FOLIO
    • benefits: real-time, direct feedback; more timely
    • if SIG members new about these in advance, we could read up on things and/or invite our local experts to that particular meeting
    • weeks where no "guests" are scheduled could be used to loop back to previous discussions, identify gaps where we might be able to provide some input, etc.

Action items
