2018-02-14 - Consortia SIG Notes




Discussion items




MW session - Orbis Cascade and PALCI presentation on ebooks

  • not much in the way of implications for system functionality

Kirstin - chat with sysadmins; not much concern with separate tenants; happy with Docker approach

  • questions that require testing/development/discussion - sharing bib data among all or subset of a network of libraries; API performance
45min Resource sharing visions and implications for representation of consortia in FOLIO Sebastian and all 

 K-Int prototyping effort

  • discussions generated interest in exploring modular approach to resource sharing
  • ILS-agnostic (would work with FOLIO but not solely)



  • FLO: some libraries doing RS solely through email, while others using ILLiad/Docline - need a variety. FLO also runs the Massachusetts statewide ILL system (using ShareIt from Autographics) which needs to interoperate with multiple disparate ILSes
  • regionally-regulated RS with specific routing requirements that need to be followed
    • intent: make routing policy a separate module that can be swapped in/out as needed
  • role for Consortia SIG?
    • possibly, though hard to say what this will look like; this resource sharing initiative might be thought of as a "sister" project to FOLIO, happening in parallel to FOLIO development without taking away from resources devoted to FOLIO as an ILS effort
  • will be important to make sure this ties in with various FOLIO apps (user management, circulation, etc.) early on in the process

Sebastian/others will keep the SIG updated as this effort develops



  • reporting
  • codex
  • inventory
  • location hierarchy

Next week: location hierarchy

  • homework: review recordings

other items to address in coming weeks?

  • budget structure (not sure where Stacks development is at)

Action items
