Nolana R3 2022 Release: Updates of default mapping rules

Nolana R3 2022 Release: Updates of default mapping rules

MODSOURMAN-827 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Update to the default MARC Bib-to-Inventory Instance MAP:

  • Existing mapping for 590 (Local note) updated so that 1st indicator = 0 triggers "Staff only" indication. Any other 1st indicator does not.

Mandatory or Optional: Optional


  1. Send GET request to /mapping-rules/marc-bib to retrieve the mapping rules
  2. Under field “590” search for "target": "notes.staffOnly”. Replace the whole section for

   "description":"If the 1st indicator equals 0, determines that the note should not be visible for others than staff",

      3. Send PUT request to /mapping-rules/marc-bib and put in the body the updated json

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