RA - Loans 4/25/2018


Updates (5)

Check-in alerts (15)

Declared lost (20)

  • Differences between the aftermath of a declared lost & aged-to-lost item?

Claim returned (15)

  • Claim returned item in open loans, loan details

Recap & action items (5)



  • Doodle poll sent out with Chicago timezone
  • Emma will resend

Check-in alerts

  • ones for routing → Emma will talk to Tania
  • ones with fines/fees process → Emma will talk to Holly

Barcode not found

  • Modal, possibly with sound
  • Need to prevent user from continuing on business as usual


  • Pieces description & number of pieces need to be separate information in Inventory
  • Questions about Missing piece interaction
  • Don't need to display call #
  • Needs to be more readable


  • If multiple notes, see entire conversation
  • Also need ability to delete notes, preferably from this screen (without user having to go into Inventory)
  • Printing notes should be default - connected to retain/delete action?

Declared lost

  • Aged-to-lost and declared lost are separate statuses
  • Declared lost takes it off patron's open loans & creates a bill
  • OLE may have special or different handling - ask David Bottorff
  • Needs to be good patron experience - declared lost could be result of fire, burglary, etc.

Next meeting and action items

  • Emma: talk to other PO's about check-in alerts (Charlotte, Tania, Holly)
  • Emma: diagram workflow of check-in notes & edit wireframe based on conversation
  • Emma: find information about missing pieces, replacement copy
  • Emma: ask David Bottorff about OLE declared lost
  • Emma: send out revised Doodle poll


Recording for April 25, 2018