RA - Loans 5/23/2018
RA - Loans 5/23/2018
Claim returned (30)
- How a claim returned item appears in…
- Item details
- User’s loan history
- Loan details
- Claim returned & declared lost
Items checked in not at home location (15)
- Special location in same library
- Different library (in transit)
Recap & action items (5)
Claim returned
Item details
- "process status" would be helpful to display here, to give more information as to where to search for it
- process status needs to be somewhere on this page
User's loan history
- can separate claim returned items from total loans at the top
- raised question of how damaged & missing pieces would be shown (her, but especially on item details)
- Emma will ask Charlotte about flags for damaged & missing pieces
Loan details
- have date claim returned was filed up in its own field at the top
- CR reflected in action history
Resolving claim returned as lost
- when the system records searches, would be good to know how many times it had been searched
- fine to treat like any other lost item: create a bill for the patron to pay or to be transferred
Other claim returned
- Need to settle on language for claim returned items that are recovered ("button1" & "button2")
Items checked in not at home location
- temporary location also needs to be an alert (because shelving location is different than it says on spine label)
- Slips printing different for in transit v. on hold (TAMU does not print slips)
Next meeting and action items
- June 4
- Emma will send out email with written questions for next week (no meetings)