RA - Loans 3/9/2018


Change due date (35)

  • Mockups
  • What item information needs to be shown for changing a due date?
  • What errors can occur with changing a due date?
  • Permissions/overrides

Export patrons’ loans to csv/Excel (10)

  • Confirm details


Loans aging to lost – appearance on item record (10)


Change due date

Screens accessed from

  • Patron's open loans, loan details, check out
  • Need to be able to change due date for multiple items from check out screen

Modal (first screen)

  • Include number of requests on modal
  • Modal should be movable so you can see other item information on screen
  • Multiple items should also be able to scroll down to see all
  • Time should default to the end of the day - 11:59:59
  • Need to accommodate items without due dates (without making that the default)


Some institutions will allow student supervisors to change due dates; others will only allow non-student staff members to change due dates.

However, student supervisors will not always be able to confirm certain types of due date changes

Ask for confirmation and/or override when...

  • User sets due date when library is closed
  • User sets infinite due date
  • Item has a status other than "checkout" (e.g., has pending requests) (discussed confirmation, did not discuss whether it requires override)
  • Due date is past patron's expiration date

If user cancels one of the above due-date changes, should revert to first screen of modal, not close out dialog entirely.

Permissions also pertain to limiting by IP address and login - avoiding having student staff make changes in their dorm room.

Effect on system

  • Loan policy should stay in place even with due date changed
  • Should be logged to actions on loan details page
  • Inconclusive as to how changing fines/fees on an overdue item would work - check with Fines/Fees group

Export loan details to csv

Confirmed that this covers loan details (all information above action table)

  • Should loan details include original loan date & check-in location above action table?

Permissions about who can export it can be handled by privacy SIG - general attitude is that if someone can see it, they can export it (but SIG privacy will know more about whether that complies with EU legislation).

Action items & next meeting

  • Emma: edit change due date mockups, add confirmation screen
  • Emma: talk to Holly about Fines/Fees as they relate to change due date
  • Emma: changes to loan details & how change due date should be logged there

Next meeting

Wednesday, March 14, 1pm Eastern (Texas A&M members unable to attend)

Meeting on Friday, March 16 is canceled.


Recording for March 9 meeting