RA - Loans 6/13/2018


  • Reports
  • Check-in note for pieces
  • Claim returned
    • Undo
    • User notes
  • Overrides
  • Request type on various screens



  • continued discussion from Monday
  • Might not be necessary to group loans by a particular field in the loan (borrower, item) but would be necessary to see that information later
  • Reports planning document (Loans) - view-only

Check-in note for pieces

  • Added missing pieces to modal

Claim returned


  • Ideally uses due date & date of "undo" to indicate item is aged to lost or checked out
  • happens only rarely, usually happens within a couple days of the original claim

User notes

  • Date, operator, result & item barcode or item ID (retain information in case item comes back)


  • When an action fails for many reasons, need to see all the reasons but not individually override each one
  • When an action fails on many items, use a selector like the change due date checkboxes

Request type

  • Preference is to have any type of request display (at a glance, though hover/mouseover was also discussed)
  • include with # of requests field, display only most important
  • some discussion about whether or not to prioritize this
  • being able to sort would be nice, but it's a low percentage of items that have any requests on them

Next meeting and action items

  • June 18
  • June 21-26 - ALA


Recording for June 13