RA - Loans 5/2/2018
RA - Loans 5/2/2018
Updates (5)
Check-in alerts (10)
- Pieces
- If time: Check-in notes from item record
Declared lost (20)
- Declaring an item that is checked out lost
- Declaring an item that has been claim returned lost
- Bulk action?
Anonymizing fee/fine data (20)
Recap, action items, and next week (5)
Updates - in-house use
- Item details, request details, fee/fine details should all be shown through ellipsis at check-in
- Ellipsis/lack of ellipsis cannot be signal for in-house use (in-house use will have item details)
Check-in alerts
- Helpful to structure pieces as a text field and a numbers field for reporting
- Voyager currently has a number field, and augments with notes
- may also support missing piece functionality
Declared lost
- If an item is declared lost, can all of the following happen simultaneously? Or is intervention required?
- close loan - no longer on patron record
- status changes to lost (prevents future requests)
- billed to patron
- patron notified? does this go out automatically or as a batch?
- Need to accommodate replacement copy
- Option 1: item remains on patron's account & is not billed, but its status changes to lost, doesn't accumulate fees. after X number of days, patron can no longer replace item, resulting in the loan being closed & being billed to their account
- Option 2: loan is closed & item is billed. Patron can come with a replacement copy for X number of days before bill is sent to bursar
- Holly should be involved in this discussion
- Bulk action
- Okay for it not to be bulk action
Anonymizing fee/fine data (that is, breaking link between item & fee)
- Real world scenarios: anonymizing loans, but never anonymizing fines/fees; anonymizing loans, keep fines/fees for set amount of time
Next meeting and action items
- May 14 - no meetings the week of WOLFcon
- Emma: set up meeting with Holly
- Emma: in-house use wireframe
No recording for this meeting.