RA - Loans 3/23/2018 meeting
RA - Loans 3/23/2018 meeting
Introductions (guests: Holly Mistlebauer, David Bottorff) (5)
Claims returned (45)
- Review flowchart: accuracy, settings
- Prioritize: concerns about fines/fees
- Requirements for interface
Loans subgroup progress to date (5)
- Questions about spreadsheet?
Recap and action items (5)
Claims returned
- Fines & fees: assumption is that pending fines & suspended fines are possible. Suspending a bill rather than waiving it outright
- In this case, wouldn't want to show a suspended fine or bill (option for discovery layer to display them or not)
- Pending and suspended fines are not payable
- At the end, if you don't want to charge, can always waive it
- Note in the bill if it was created as part of a claims process
- Record end result of each claim at end of process
- Need to be able to roll back to its previous state if patron does find the item (and wants to hang on to it)
- Request queue: need to maintain in case it is found right away, but also have the option to cancel
- check after every search? Yes
Next meeting
Wednesday, March 28 at 1PM Eastern