RA - Loans 3/14/2018


Change due date

Loan details

Touch base on cancel loan, status history

Review Loans subgroup work so far


Change due date

  • Agreed on fields that need to be prioritized
  • Default time is end of day
  • Default date is the current date (pick one - doesn't matter which - if changing due dates for multiple items with different due dates)
  • Unlimited loan link is overkill

Confirmed that FOLIO does need to be able to change the due date for multiple items from the check-out screen (usually, if you have to change due date at checkout, it's for many items, not just one)

Add "due date is in the past" to confirmation/override conditions. 

Fines/fees - should be locally configured.

Loan details

  • Check-in location needs to be above the line, original due date does not
  • Change due date logged on the loan details
  • Confirm: Loan date = original checkout date, not anything else (also needs to be somewhere easy to get to, for reports)
  • When discussing in-transit on checked-in items, when does the information stop being recorded on loan details?

Cancel loan

  • Subgroup had previously marked it as unnecessary, but RA SIG had discussed it in some depth
  • Feature in Aleph but not other systems

Status history

  • Discussed action history for a loan as a possible analogue
  • Status history blocked until more decisions are made about statuses

Next meeting and action items

Next meeting

March 21, 2018 at 1pm Eastern

Action items

  • Andrea: find out use of Cancel loan
  • Emma: bring up Cancel loan at all-SIG on 3/15
  • Emma: send out subgroup progress statement
  • Emma: has overriding item's ability to circulate (e.g., allowing Building Use Only item to circulate) been discussed?
  • Emma: pass on recommendation for changing due date on overdue items' fines & fees on to the Fines & Fees subgroup


Recording for March 14, 2018