RA - Loans 6/4/2018


Updates (5)
Claim returned (25)

  • Questions from existing documents?
  • Undo claims returned
  • Claim returned that is searched, not found & marked lost
  • Next steps

Displaying type of request on… (15)

  • Loan details
  • Open loans
  • Item details

Overrides (10)


Claim returned

  • Would be better to frame Searched & not found as lost v. missing, instead of billed v. waived
    • Lost creates a bill, missing does not
  • If forgiving/believing a patron for a claim that wasn't found, need to waive a suspended bill, but should not create a bill and then immediately waive it
  • Still need to discuss Undo and Search & resolution screen
  • Create note on patron record
    • Likely won't be developed until later in the year, but can work out specs now
  • Still not entirely resolved on button labels, but can label & leave it to usability testing


  • 3-4 categories of overrides:
    • No override permitted
    • Override & system knows what to do
    • Override & system needs user input to move forward
    • Permission escalation (separate type of override)
  • If overriding, need a note to indicate why (and also record who and when)
  • See if other areas require overrides - may be mainly circulation

Next meeting and action items

  • June 6 at 1pm Eastern
  • Emma will talk to other POs about overrides


Recording for 6/4/2018