RA - Loans 4/27/2018
RA - Loans 4/27/2018
Updates (10)
- Possible meeting times: Monday at 10 Eastern/9 Central, and one of the old ones: Wednesday at 1 Eastern/12 Central, Friday at 11 Eastern/10 Central
- In-house use (wireframes)
- Fines & fees: missing pieces, replacement copy (p. 29)
Check-in alerts & notes (15)
- Wireframes
- Pieces and barcode not found
- General check-in notes (printing & deleting)
Claims returned (20)
- Actions on Open Loans & Loan details (renew, change due date)
- Claims returned item checked in not at its home location
Claims returned that is lost/Checked out item that is declared lost (10)
Recap & action items (5)
- Meeting times: Monday at 10/9c (minus Tonya), Wednesday at 1/12c (minus Deb)
- In-house use (wireframes)
- Fines & fees: missing pieces, replacement copy (p. 29)
Check-in alerts
- No missing pieces workflow for V1
- Further discussion pending structure of pieces in item record
Barcode not found
- Search & select desired
- No changes needed
General check-in notes
- Will check-in notes have to be used for routing instructions? (e.g., route to preservation - but definitely not route to home location) - Emma will ask Tania
- Affects whether or not they should be printed by default
- Wireframe needs to have an exit & to have you check which ones you want to delete
- Need to be able to add a check-in note at check-out - preferably without going into Inventory
- use case: Staff member w/ low permissions sees that book is damaged - checks it out to patron, but needs to mark it
- Note gets added to item, not to the loan
- NCIP/SIP2 interaction?
- Further discussions depending on how check-in notes would support workflows (not preferred)
Claim returned
- Should prevent renewals (within FOLIO, from patron's My Account) but allow staff to change due date
- If checking in an item that's claim returned somewhere other than its home location, need to note that on routing slip
- Question about whether printing slips will be optional (Emma can talk to Darcy)
Declared lost/claim returned that are lost
- Option 1: remove from account, create a bill, go to patron's account to see bill and possibly waive
- Option 2: remove from account, create a bill, immediately be asked whether or not to waive
Next meeting and action items
- Emma: talk to other PO's about routing and things in transit (Tania, Darcy)
- Emma: revise wireframes
- Emma: send out update to meeting, decide whether or not to meet 4/30