RA - Loans 6/18/2018


  • Item look-up
  • Claim returned search & resolution
  • In transit


Item lookup

  • Not used very often except for testing
  • Might use if the item doesn't have a barcode or the barcode doesn't match the record
  • For requests, would usually start elsewhere and then make a request, rather than starting at the requests app

Claim returned

  • Include missing items? Maybe, but missing items are a much higher volume and claims items are more diligently searched. Would be nice to track searches in the same way but not necessarily on the same screen
  • Be able to narrow down by owning library or location (as in fines/fees)
  • Searches need to be associated with sending out notices
  • bulk options: recording search is nice in theory, but may be more important to force the user to take action once something has reached the final search
  • Call number: needs to have enumeration, prefix, etc.
    • Either separate it out across multiple columns (cleaner) or combine in one column
  • Location: effective location
  • Okay to have patron's barcode

In transit

  • The many-to-many relationship between service points & locations means that the destination service point is not the same as, or automatically assumed from, the location of the item

Next meeting and action items

  • Deb and Mark will send screenshots of item lookup
  • Emma will come up with more specific scenarios for in transit


Recording for June 18, 2018

Mark: Item lookup in OLE (Search Workbench, Loans, Request, Deliver Item Search)

I. Search workbench:

II. Loans:

III. Create Request:

IV. Deliver Item Search: