RA - Loans 5/16/2018


Updates (5)

Borrower’s barcode in Inventory (10)

In-house use check-in mock-up (10)

Recently returned (15)

In transit (not for requests) (15)

Recap & action items (5)



  • David Bottorff will be joining us on Mondays
  • Applying due date and time for a loan
    • If interval is in days, weeks, or months, have due time be end of day (23:59:59)
    • If interval is hours or minutes, calculate due time from loan time

Borrower's barcode in inventory

  • Metadata Migration concerned about revealing barcode in Inventory
  • Group agreed it was fine to mask barcode, but keep link out to patron record
  • Need to make sure that not everyone can get to patron record
  • Inventory: currently serves RM and MM purposes, but not RA - need to evaluate from RA perspective

In-house use 

  • Showed mockups
    • Both: column to indicate use
    • Option 1: display check (or no check) for In House Use
    • Option 2: describe type of use
  • Concern about real estate on check-in page for items that go in transit, ones that fill requests, etc.
  • check-in screen: where you keep track of your work and catch potential errors
    • having a running count of items being checked in would be nice
    • way to see modals
    • how do recent decisions around status affect this?

Recently returned

  • Service point mockup
  • Lag time in minutes - hour/day dropdown might be preferable
  • Batch job is probably acceptable (but need to know what a batch job would look like to say for sure). Live transition from recently returned → available is more accurate

In transit

  • Difference between item moving between locations at the same library, and an item moving between different libraries
  • Indicate whether something is an unusual location so the staff member knows not to shelve it in the usual spot
    • "unusual" is relative to service point, not an absolute feature of location

Next meeting and action items

  • May 21


Recording for 5/16/2018