RA - Loans 4/11/2018


Prioritize V1 items (30)

  • in-house use

  • claim returned (split?)

  • check-in notes & alerts

  • altering check-in date/time items after check-in

  • Patron-friendly error messages

  • anonymizing closed loans on-demand

  • Normalizing call number

Claims returned - resolving a claim (25)

  • Item found and checked in

  • Item lost

  • Revert to original status ("undo")

Recap and action items (5)


Prioritize V1 items

  • V1: in-house use, check-in notes & alerts, normalizing call number, beginning & end of claims returned process
  • not V1: altering check-in date/time after check-in
  • Patron-friendly error messages - need to be at least comprehensible. Can't make experience worse for the patron.
  • anonymizing closed loans on demand, tracking search process of claims returned - unresolved

Need to have longer conversation about the extent to which information is anonymized & how much demographic information is kept.

Claims returned

  • Item found & checked in
    • Scenario one: Item turns up in return bin, student worker checks it in and is surprised to learn that it is claims returned. The item needs to be checked in, but the decision of whether or not to bill the patron for overdue fines should not lie with the student. the student needs to be prompted to pass the item on to a supervisor (printing slip? system notification to supervisor?).
    • Scenario two: Staff search for claims returned items in library & check in the ones they find. Many items need to be checked in without fuss.
    • UChicago records result in system (found in library/found by patron)
    • Should be attached to patron record
  • Item lost
    • This is in the same category as "declared lost" (as opposed to aged to lost) - need to track same information as to who declared it lost & under what circumstance.

Next meeting & action items

April 13th, 11am Eastern


To be added later.