*2016-09-23 RM Notes
*2016-09-23 RM Notes
Goals and scope of the group
- The original goal was to think about a data model for resources in FOLIO, but many of the conversations have become more high level.
- This has led to some tension between the practical and theoretical aspects of our work.
- Mike says the group has the authority to start the conversation about resource management and see where it goes, whilst continuing to evaluate if that falls outside of the scope of this group, determining the edges as we go.
- We should plan to have different types of meetings. Some can be high-level and multi-disciplinary; some can be more practical and focused on responding to work done by FOLIO and Index Data.
- Possible future meeting topics include:
- Writing a charge
- Understanding the FOLIO roadmap
- An update on the progress of the Kabalog group
Group membership – do we have the right people?
- This will depend upon where the conversation takes us in the future, for the time being it is OK.
Possible face to face meeting
- Jacob will be in the US for Charleston.
- We discussed the possibility of a post-Charleston meeting in Boston. This will be dependent on whether or not people can get funding.
- Other conference-related options include ALA Mid-Winter, ER&L, and ALA Annual.
Regular meetings going forward
- We agreed to meet weekly via WebEx on Fridays at 2:30 p.m. (Europe) / 1:30 p.m. (UK) / 8:30 a.m. (Eastern) / 7:30 a.m. (Central).
- We can have the occasional longer workshop-type meeting as needed.
Outstanding questions
- What does the broader FOLIO roadmap look like? And where does this group fit? (Kristin M)
- How do we effectively oscillate between iterative development of FOLIO and exploring the broader roadmap and space?
- How can we most effectively collaborate creatively remotely, given the challenges arranging face to face meetings? (Mike W)
- Schedule WebEx for weekly meeting – Mike
- Create a wiki space for consolidating documentation for this group - Kristen W
- Collate existing documents for review and consolidation on the wiki - All
- Agenda for every future meeting (to aid preparation) - All
- Share conferences that may be of interest or where could potentially meet - Kim M
, multiple selections available,
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