*2016-12-16 RM Notes

At this meeting, the RM team heard reports from two small groups who reviewed some of the work documented in Boston.

Financial Management

  • Scott Perry and Kim Maxwell reviewed and added detail the financial management activities document
  • One important point that has come up multiple times is the the difference between accounting at the university level and the library level
    • University level systems are usually flatter with only a few pots of money
    • Library systems are broken down into many more funds, because libraries are trying to track and understand more about their spending, including:
      • Who is authorized to spend funds
      • What subject areas are being supported
      • The source of the funds
    • There may be a way that FOLIO can support the libraries needs using a less complex structure
    • Tagging is one possible solution to this problem that seems to have gotten a positive response from the group
  • The parts of the document that relate to paying invoices may need to be broken out into a separate workflow – the important part to consider for this discussion is the affect that paying an invoice has on your funds
  • Reporting will need a lot more detail too, as funds play into many other types of reports
  • A few people from the group will document this workflow in practice using video, screenshots, and/or text
    • Scott
    • Kristen
    • Kim
  • Due date for this work is Jan. 6

First-time/One-time purchase

  • Bill Verner, John Ballestro, and Ann-Marie Breaux reviewed and added detail to the first-time/one-time acquisition activities document
  • They got partway through the document and will finish next week
  • We will wait until their work is finished to do a more complete review
  • A few people from the group will document this workflow in practice using video, screenshots, and/or text
    • Bill
    • Kristin & Susan Martin
    • John
  • Due date for this work is Jan. 6


  • Charlotte and Filip are still working on transcribing the work from Boston
  • The renewals activity document should be complete by the end of the day
  • Virginia and Martina will review it when it's ready and aim to report back on Jan. 6


Knowledge base work done by Marc Johnson

  • Marc Johnson of K-Int has posted some preliminary work modeling the intersection between a knowledge base and FOLIO
  • He has posted a write-up and begun a conversation on Discuss
  • Some members of the group have already been contributing to the discussion, but we would like to have an RM meeting dedicated to the topic


  • Meetings are cancelled for the next two weeks
  • People can use the open WebEx sessions for other meetings if they like
  • The next meeting will be Jan 6.