*2016-12-09 RM Notes
*2016-12-09 RM Notes
New members
- We welcomed several new members to the group.
- The full membership list can be found on the RM homepage.
- RM team members can contact Kristin for questions and logistics related to the team.
- Here are some helpful links for getting individuals up to speed:
Functional Matrix: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cCoosiDky3WAXeSR5ngC1Kb_Ujnl-3lafFRC5dfVS4s/edit#gid=764029640
Roadmap (temporary version on Peter’s page): https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/~peter/FOLIO+Roadmap
SIG engagement working doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-kd7NuclSGegTYbzXkPlBCr0tDCkDL590ZZ_8ma7gog/edit
SIG participant list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SSPPA9Q7BppDvaKYf5mFOc2w1zr63ItMe34X32B9ZEA/edit#gid=0
Guide for communication spaces: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COMMUNITY/FOLIO+Communication+Spaces
Archived FOLIO Forum presentations: https://www.openlibraryenvironment.org/archives/category/olfforum
Follow up on Boston meeting
- Filip presented a turbo-recap of outcomes from the Boston meeting.
- The group reviewed the workflows detailed in the slides and made some suggestions for refinements.
- Filip will update his slides and share on the FOLIO Discuss forum
Next steps
- Filip had two requests for next steps from the team.
- First, to review the user story maps from the Boston meeting, verify them, and make any additions or refinements that might be needed.
- Second, to begin documenting workflows for different resource types and systems with video and screenshots
- We created three small teams to work on the user story map review
- One time/first time workflow: Bill, John, Ann-Marie
- Renewals: Virginia, Martina
- Financial management: Kim, Scott Perry (non-RM)
- Each team should look at the appropriate google doc, walk through it, comment, edit, add stuff. Next week we’ll reconvene, go over the maps, and use the updated maps to hand out the assignment of documenting different flows and/or different steps of the process.
- Google Docs can be found in the RM team folder on Google Drive. (Note that the renewal document is forthcoming.)
- The teams will aim to have their initial review done to share at the Dec. 16 meeting
- Teams can contact Filip for questions and support with this process.
- Once the initial review is done, we will make assignments for workflow documentation