20180924 SC&A WG Meeting Notes

20180924 SC&A WG Meeting Notes

FOLIO SC&A Working Group Zoom #26

September 24, 2018

Attending: Sebastian Hammer (Index Data); Sarah Schmidt (Duke); Aaron Trehub (Auburn University); Michael Winkler (OLE/OLF)

Regrets: Gregory Bailey (Texas A&M); Erin Faulder (Cornell); Kathleen Feeney (UChicago); Ricc Ferrante (Smithsonian); Pablo Morales Henry (Radcliffe/Harvard); Noah Huffman (Duke); Julia Kim (LC); Peter Murray (Index Data); Christie Peterson (Smith); Aaron Rubinstein (UMass-Amherst); Catherine Uecker (UChicago)

The call began at 2:00 PM Eastern/1:00 PM Central.


1. Review minutes from September 17 call at https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3051857. No discussion or changes.

2. Round-robin from FOLIO SIG members and FOLIO PC reps. Minutes for the weekly PC calls are available at https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PC/Product+Council+Agenda+and+Minutes.

  • Sarah Schmidt reminded call participants of the FOLIO Metadata Forum on Wednesday, September 26th. The forum recording can be viewed on the FOLIO YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8UDxaYdbVM.
  • Aaron Trehub reported on the announcement during the September 20 FOLIO PC call that, beginning in January 2019, Index Data will be cutting back on its involvement in FOLIO due to a reduction in funding from EBSCO. Sebastian Hammer said that the reduction in funding was a natural progression in the course of the project and that Index Data intends to stay involved in FOLIO, but will focus on high-priority areas that offer specific development opportunities. In this connection, he mentioned resource sharing and concerns around OCLC's recent acquisition of a major resource-sharing solution.
  • As far as SC&A is concerned, Sebastian stressed the desirability of coming up with a catalog of high-level SC&A needs. Obvious candidates include integration with ArchivesSpace and other data models for acquisitions/inventory.
  • SC&A call participants discussed ways of keeping Index Data involved in FOLIO and the SC&A WG specifically. Funding is key. Possible sources include the Mellon Foundation, NARA/NHPRC, or the OLE/OLF Stakeholders Group. Sarah said that Duke has strong connections with Mellon; Aaron said that he will contact a program officer at NHPRC; and Michael Winkler said that the Stakeholders Group is talking about ways to fill the gap caused by EBSCO's reduction in funding. Sebastian said that provisional service agreements could serve as a model. These could be institutional letters of intent or other "soft" commitments.

3. Updates from early implementers in the WG. None on this call, although the Five College Consortium was mentioned as being in that cohort.

4. Guest speakers for SC&A WG. Michael Winkler agreed to give an update on PC and Stakeholders business on a future call.

5. Other business.

  • WOLFcon-Lite is still in the planning stage. Tentative date: sometime in the first half of 2019.

The call ended at 2:35 PM Eastern/1:35 PM Central. The group's next call will be on Monday, October 1 at the same time and Zoom address.