20180205 SC&A WG Meeting Notes

20180205 SC&A WG Meeting Notes

FOLIO SC&A Working Group Zoom #2
February 5, 2018

Attending: Greg Bailey (Texas A&M); Sebastian Hammer (Index Data); Julia Kim (Library of Congress); Aaron Trehub (Auburn University)
Regrets: Peter Murray (Index Data); Jeanine Nault (LC); Catherine Uecker (University of Chicago)

The meeting began at 2:00 PM Eastern/1:00 PM Central.

From the previous week's call:

  • Start with an SC&A needs survey, not a software survey; start defining core functional requirements.
  • Look beyond existing software packages, but let the designers of ArchivesSpace, AtoM, ArcLight etc. know what we are doing.
  • Follow and build on the RFP for the Hungarian National Library; contact other national libraries (e.g. the NLE).
  • Invite other people to join the SC&A WG (e.g. Christine Wise at SOAS).
  • Have an SC&A track at the WOLF-Con meeting at Duke University in May (May 7-10).


1. News and updates (if any). Sebastian Hammer provided additional information about the Hungarian NL RFP for a comprehensive national library solution. Index Data (Denmark and USA), Hermesz-Soft (Hungary), Arkivum (UK), EBSCO (USA), and @Cult (Italy) have submitted a joint proposal to the RFP. Hermesz-Soft has already developed an institutional repository (IR) module for the national library. Sebastian expects a decision later this month.

Greg Bailey reported that Texas A&M is in the process of migrating from Archon to Artefactual Software's AtoM/Archivematica. Greg said that he would be willing to share A&M's analysis of the two systems with the group. He also said that A&M is using the Digital Preservation Network (DPN) as a first-line digital preservation solution, with Amazon cloud services as a backup solution. Aaron Trehub mentioned that Auburn is a member of two LOCKSS-based DP networks (ADPNet and the MetaArchive Cooperative).

2. Starting an SC&A core functionalities list. Julia Kim and Aaron will start roughing out a matrix/framework document for this on the SC&A Wiki. Sebastian suggested including specific case examples for each category of functionalities and needs, as well as hooks to existing FOLIO SIGs (e.g. Metadata Management).

3. Are we still OK as a WG? Or is it SIG time yet? Consensus: we're still OK as a WG. As we potentially add more people from more institutions, it may make sense to transition to becoming a SIG. In this respect, the WG's PC reporting deadline of May 1 meshes well with the dates for the WOLF-Con meeting in Durham, NC. We should plan on having an informational session there, and be prepared to talk about moving towards SIG-dom.

4. Action items and assignments. The group identified two action items: (1) start a core SC&A functionalities document on the SC&A Wiki, with a view to identifying features and functionalities that are not currently available in existing SC&A software packages; and (2) draw up a list of people who might be interested in joining the SC&A WG for discussion at the WG's next Zoom meeting. The list can include SMEs at non-FOLIO-member institutions or at national libraries (e.g. the National Library of Estonia).

5. Call schedule going forward. Weekly is fine. Aaron will try to keep the calls brief.

The call adjourned at 2:35 PM Eastern/1:35 PM Central. Next call scheduled for Monday, February 12 at the same time.