20180430 SC&A WG Meeting Notes

20180430 SC&A WG Meeting Notes

FOLIO SC&A Working Group Zoom #14

April 30, 2018

Attending: Erin Faulder (Cornell University); Kathleen Feeney (University of Chicago); Sebastian Hammer (Index Data); Noah Huffman (Duke University); Peter Murray (Index Data); Aaron Rubinstein (UMass-Amherst); Sarah Schmidt (Duke University); Aaron Trehub (Auburn University); Catherine Uecker (University of Chicago)

Regrets: Gregory Bailey (Texas A&M); Ricc Ferrante (Smithsonian); Pablo Morales Henry (Harvard/Radcliffe); Julia Kim (LC); Jeanine Nault (LC); Katharine Short (De Montfort University); Christine Wise (SOAS)

The meeting began at 11:00 AM Eastern/10:00 AM Central.


1. New member. Aaron Trehub introduced Kathleen Feeney from the University of Chicago.

2. Discussion of draft progress report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j6-5XFBa3YCcCIlRPOBJftbeaitkCYhZj201K4H_mLA/edit. Aaron Rubinstein confirmed that the WG has not completed its work and that the progress report is not a final report, but a summary of work to date and plans for the future. He also drew a distinction between being directly responsible for developing software on the one hand and making recommendations to potential software developers on the other, with the WG focusing on the latter. There was general agreement that having an SC&A group in FOLIO does not necessarily imply doing SC&A software development in FOLIO. That said, the WG members expect that there will be overlap between the SC&A group's concerns and FOLIO core development. Sarah Schmidt made the point that she and colleagues in other SIGs have been asked not only about connections between FOLIO and SC&A, but also about connections between FOLIO and music and law libraries. Peter Murray said that this had been his experience as well.

Sebastian Hammer mentioned recent overtures from developers in the digital asset management and long-term preservation communities and suggested broadening the SC&A WG's purview to include those areas, perhaps in an SC&A-Plus group or even a so-called Integration SIG. Since implementation efforts are already underway between FOLIO and DAMS systems (for example), the window for doing this is fast approaching.

Aaron T. thanked the group for their comments on the progress report and said that he would notify the group when he submitted the report to the FOLIO PC.

3. SC&A session at WOLFcon. According to the program schedule on the WOLFcon Web site, the SC&A session will be on Wednesday, May 9, from 2:00-3:20 PM. Sebastian and Aaron T. will be there. (NOTE: Aaron T. was not able to attend WOLFcon due to family business in Massachusetts.)

4. Other business. Aaron T. suggested reaching out to prospective WG members in Europe—specifically, in Germany.

The call ended at 11:25 AM Eastern/10:25 AM Central. The group agreed to cancel the May 7 call because of WOLFcon. The next call will be on Monday, May 14 at the same time and Zoom address.

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