20180326 SC&A WG Meeting Notes

20180326 SC&A WG Meeting Notes

FOLIO SC&A Working Group Zoom #9

March 26, 2018

Attending: Sebastian Hammer (Index Data); Pablo Morales Henry (Harvard/Radcliffe); Noah Huffman (Duke University); Jeanine Nault (Library of Congress); Aaron Rubinstein (UMass-Amherst); Aaron Trehub (Auburn University); Catherine Uecker (University of Chicago)

Regrets: Gregory Bailey (Texas A&M); Ricc Ferrante (Smithsonian); Peter Murray (Index Data); Christine Wise (SOAS)

The meeting began at 11:00 AM Eastern/10:00 AM Central. Aaron Trehub welcomed Noah Huffman of Duke University to the group.


1. Review notes from March 19 call at https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3051694. There were no changes.

2. Additions to features list; demo of ArchivesSpace on April 2 call. Aaron T. said that a post to another list had reminded him about Ashley Blewer's archival management tools matrix at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cXOug3qM0pNNeD_wssiVEv9c0W1Y5I1VDTnSPTk7fb4/edit#gid=0. He said that he has now posted a link to the matrix in the SC&A Wiki. It contains material that is relevant to our gap analysis exercise. Between our own list of desired features and Ashley's matrix, we should have enough information to rough out that section in our May 1 progress report to the FOLIO Product Council.

Noah Huffman has agreed to do an ArchivesSpace demo on the April 2 WG call. Noah asked if we are interested in seeing something in particular. Aaron T. said that Julia Kim had suggested we focus on "egregious examples" of materials that are difficult to describe or that present other challenges in ArchivesSpace. Aaron Rubinstein said that it might also be useful for Sebastian and Peter if Noah could demonstrate basic archival workflows. The group agreed on basic workflows first, followed by an egregious example.

Sebastian and Aaron T. gave Noah some background on the SC&A WG and its charge. Aaron R. pointed out that the ArchivesSpace Web site has very useful technical documentation on the package's functional requirements, which in turn provides a summary of basic archival processes and workflows. He posted a link to the site in the chat window; Aaron T. added it to the SC&A Wiki.

3. Discuss WG's progress report to the FOLIO PC (due May 1). Aaron T. will circulate a working draft of the progress report to the WG for comments and input. He plans to devote the first half of April to working on the draft.

4. Update on WOLF-Con, March 7-11, Durham, NC. The organizers are reserving a block of rooms for attendees at the 21c Museum Hotel in downtown Durham. There are plenty of other hotels in the same immediate area, so accommodations shouldn't be a problem. As of the time of writing, Index Data, Auburn University, Duke University, and the University of Chicago will be represented at the meeting. LC will not be represented. Stay tuned for more information.

5. Other business. Sebastian mentioned that he had spoken with representatives from Arkivum, a data archiving and digital preservation company based in London but with a U.S. office in Boston. He said that they have a complete API-based digital preservation solution that FOLIO could link to. Elsewhere, he said that the RFP for the Hungarian National Library is stuck in "tender limbo".

The call ended at 11:25 AM Eastern/10:25 AM Central. The next call will be on Monday, April 2, at the same time.