20180212 SC&A WG Meeting Notes

20180212 SC&A WG Meeting Notes

FOLIO SC&A Working Group Zoom #3
February 12, 2018

Attending: Gregory Bailey (Texas A&M); Peter Murray (Index Data); Jeanine Nault (Library of Congress); Aaron Trehub (Auburn University); Catherine Uecker (University of Chicago)
Regrets: Sebastian Hammer (Index Data); Julia Kim (Library of Congress)

The meeting began at 2:00 PM Eastern/1:00 PM Central. It was a brief meeting.


1. Review minutes from last week's call at https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3047435. No changes.

2. Discuss the starter needs/functionalities list for an SC&A software module. Aaron Trehub encouraged the other WG members to add their desiderata to the list. He suggested that we focus on general categories or material types at this point, not specific data elements.

3. Discuss prospective invitees. Following suggestions from Gregory Bailey and Julia Kim, the WG added Mark Phillips (University of North Texas) and Peter Chan (Stanford University) to the list of prospective invitees, bringing the total number to twelve. The WG decided to send invitations to all twelve people, on the assumption that not everybody will be able or want to participate. Aaron will draft an e-mail invitation.

4. Other business. The WG agreed to put planning for the WOLF-Con Meeting on the agenda for next week's and subsequent calls.

The call ended at 2:10 PM Eastern/1:10 PM Central. Next Zoom meeting automatically scheduled for Monday, February 19 at the same time.