RA - Loans 2/28/2018


Update on item notes (5)

Item statuses as they relate to loans (20)

  • What can a loaned item’s status change to, and how? 
  • To what extent should historical statuses be reflected on the item record?

Loans on item record (15)

  • Mockup on wiki
  • Related mockup: loan details
  • Should other fields be added? Are there unnecessary fields?

Closed loans and open loans (15)

  • Mockup on wiki
  • Related mockup: loan details
  • Closed loans
    • What actions can one take with closed loans?
    • Are all necessary fields there?
  • Open loans & closed loans both revised to reflect search in sidebar
  • What facets should be shown on sidebar?

Recap and action items for next time (5)


Update on item notes

Item statuses as they relate to loans

  • Discussed which statuses could be triggered by checkins
    • Some statuses will trigger other processes upon checkin
  • Question of workflow-supporting statuses (e.g., in bindery) came up; tabled for future meeting

Loans on item record

  • Interest in making fields shown dynamic, especially not showing previous borrower when item was already checked out to someone else
  • If possible to make dynamic, means discussing fields shown for every item status
  • Item status date is important regardless

Also viewed:

Action items & next meeting

Action items

  • Emma: ask Inventory about additional holdings, additional items information on item record
  • Emma: ask Requests about statuses
  • Emma: ask whether making item record fields shown dynamic based on status is possible
    • Revise mockup to reflect different statuses
  • David: send claims returned screenshots
  • Andrea: send item process statuses details

Next meeting

Friday, 3/2, 11am Eastern


Recording for 2/28/2018 meeting (Google Drive)