2020-09-23 Meeting notes

2020-09-23 Meeting notes




Discussion items

5 minNote takerDeb Maddox
  • Deb has agreed to take notes while fielding reference questions, so that Maura has a set of notes to augment her own note-taking.
55 minDiscuss JIRA ticketsPatty W.
  •  Patty first had a question regarding JIRA tickets that have no dev teams assigned to them, and have low priority.  Should we just close them?  We came to no conclusion.
  • UXPROD-37: Limit/scope for Permission Assignment. It's meant for a staff member who does one job at one service point, and a very different job at another. The idea is to limit permissions based on these service points, not necessarily limit permissions based on the user. It was left open and unassigned, and no one present was interested in making it a higher priority.
  • UXPROD-35: Attach File(s) to user record. It needs some User Stories.
  • UXPROD-36: Add Profile pictures to User record.  It's low-ranked, and no one present pushed to assign it priority or assign a dev team.
  • UXPROD-38: Expiration Dates for Addresses/Email/Phone Numbers. This probably won't happen. 
  • UXPROD-242: Protect fields from being overwritten in User import.  The ticket is fairly high-priority, but no one is working on it. 
  • UXPROD-1015: Boolean/Query search for users. The report is in Draft status, and it needs User Stories to move forward.
  • UXPROD-1640: Create request, create, fee/fine and create block dropdown in User record.  There's no additional functionality to add, it's just a display issue.  Bjorn says there may be dev resources available; he will discuss it with the dev teams. The title of the report needs to be changed.
  • UXPROD-1738: Users App UX Refinement. This is another display-only ticket, and might be able to get done. We should get wireframes first, to demonstrate what we want. We also need to be clear on which fields are being searched. Patty wondered if this had been set up at the tenant level.
    • UIU-1035 is related to this report.
    • UIU-1027 is related to this report, but it might be done.
  • UXPROD-1744: Show all users associated with a permission set.  After some discussion, we agreed that it should be in the Users module, as a filter (like we have for Tags and Departments) in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.  We should be able to filter by permission sets and by individual permissions. 
  • UXPROD-1811: Implement Patron PIN for authentication in User record. A patron PIN would be very useful for self-checkout, but at the moment there is only one place for authentication - the password field. Replacing a secure password with a 4-digit PIN might be a security risk. Are we talking about another External System ID?  SIP would need this PIN as well.  SIP would also need to know where to look for it.Nobody was crazy about making this an External System ID, and most agreed that we should add a field for the PIN to the user record. The Field should be configurable, and hashed.

Action items

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