2020-09-30 Meeting notes

2020-09-30 Meeting notes



Goals & Discussion:

  • Discuss JIRA tickets that Leipzig will take over development, to get exact requirements.
    • UXPROD-1640 - Add Create Request, Create Fee/Fine and Create Block to Pane Header Dropdown
      • Discussion about where 'edit' should fall in the list of actions in the Pane Header Dropdown
        • How often 'edit' is used (infrequently) VS consistency of 'edit' throughout the application in this dropdown
        • Ask Khalilah Gambrell
      • Order others in the same order as they are in the accordion.

    • UIU–1035 - Relocate the username/password reset in the User create/edit record
      • Proposal is to relocate it to "user permissions" accordion.  Discussion:
        • Makes sense to place it in "user permissions" because it is sensitive
        • However - you wouldn't be able to use it if you didn't have the permissions accordion (because of your permissions)
        • Another opinion - leave it where it is.
        • Another option -  move it slightly down (below more common user functions) in the same accordion→ the group agreed on this
        • Can it be a button instead of a link? 
        • Could it also use a confirmation message - 'do you really want to send password reset email'

    • UXPROD-1738 - Users App UX Refinement
      • This was put on the backburner for a number of reasons.  Had to do with ordering of the accordions in mod-user.
      • Is this a pressing need right now?  Are things 'usable' the way they are now?
      • UIU-1027 mentioned in this JIRA (make it more clear which fields are being searched in mod-user)
        • Will not be an issue if fielded search is added.
        • patty.wanninger will move this story to UXPROD-2092
        • Feedback from Chalmers on this ticket.  Björn Muschall will discuss with Chalmers.
      • Instead of this (reorganizing this page), should we push for re-ordering at the tenant or login level instead?
      • Also discussed in this context - being able to search by other user fields (UXPROD-2092)
        • Björn Muschall and Annika Schröer will look into the work needed for this/discuss with devs.  (backend/frontend?)
        • Think about this for next week.  Leipzig will discuss w/devs.
        • One thought was we agreed in a past discussion that searching was better than it had been and it was meeting the requirements...other thought it was agreed to as an acceptable work-around.

    • UXPROD-2389 - Create Default Expiration dates based on table or patron type
      • Add to patron groups settings - a default expiration interval
      • When you create a user and/or assign a patron group, the exp date is calculated by using the interval for the group
      • What about data load?
        • Only a UX thing - wouldn't impact data load.  If the loader will use this functionality that should be described in a new JIRA.
        • Thought on the data loader use of this:  Use the date in data load, if absent calculate expiration date using this setting
      • Expiration date should remain editable.  
      • For Duke, the most commonly manually created patrons are affiliates.  Affiliates expiration dates would typically vary, so this functionality wouldn't be useful.

    • UXPROD-1744 - Show Users Associated with a Permission Set
      • Being able to filter users by permission/permission sets.
      • Will be in the same area as the tag filter in mod-users
      • This should be two filters/dropdowns - one for Permissions and one for Permission sets
      • The logged in user will need permissions (for permissions).  Will the dropdown be hidden if the user doesn't have permissions? → needs a story for this (how do you want people without permissions to experience this)
        • copy how the the 'tags' filter works (in regards to permissions to see tags)
      • This involves calling the permissions API from mod-users

How much time?  Depends?

  • Discuss JIRA tickets related to User searching.
  • Discuss this Discuss post about SSO/SAML authentication.
  • There might be some updates on Additional Fields.

Action items
