2020-11-25 Meeting notes

2020-11-25 Meeting notes





  • Discuss JIRA tickets

Discussion items


JIRA ticket MODUIMP-33 aims to create a list of the dependencies that would stop a user deletion.

Dependencies include open Requests and Loans.  What if they are closed?  Does being closed mean a Request or Loan (or other dependency) has been anonymized?  Björn's team will take a look at the nature of closed Requests or Loans.

The general consensus has been that the workflow would be like this: If there are no dependencies, the user can be deleted. If there are dependencies, the user will not be deleted and the API will return a report.  A discussion of how and where the report would appear, or be accessed, ensued.  If the report should be accessed through the UI, it would be an in-app report, which would be a new feature request.

There was another discussion of how we could filter a search in the Users app to find users with dependencies.  It could be a Custom Field or a Tag.  Discussion leaned toward Custom Fields, with the note that if "everybody" uses this Custom Field, it should be made part of the User schema.

Patty will make a second JIRA ticket for the in-app report.

Björn will discuss further with Erin and Patty.


Inventory already has this funcitonality.  Is it permissioned?  Yes, it is.

If there is Inventory data linking to a User record that is being deleted, what happens?

If a User is deleted, and the User record has a link to the circ log, what happens?  There was general opposition to "links to nowhere."

What happens in other apps?


The PIN is used for SIP2 circulation.

Among the attendees, there was no one whose Library used SIP2 for authentication.

The PIN would have to be added to the User schema, but perhaps it shouldn't appear in the UI.

Patty said that Khalilah believed that a user and set or reset their own PIN, with no need for staff intervention.

How is the PIN automatically generated?  The method should be left up to each Library as a customization, possibly visible in Settings.

Björn will start a Discusss post asking how various Libraries would populate the PIN field.


Patty needs to write up performance specs for User Load processes.

There was also a discussion of fig wasps.

Action Items

  • Patty will make a JIRA ticket for the in-app report of user deletion failures.
  • Björn will start a Discuss post on how individual Libraries would populate the PIN field.
  • Will Patty write a JIRA ticket related to SIP-89?