Initial data load can come from either legacy system load (flat file) or identity provider; post-initial data load patron data will come from identity provider
Handling deletions of patron records
CRUD functionality
Separate functionality needed for deleting expired patrons
Expiring records versus deletion for dependencies
Report needed to identify patron records not represented in flat file load/ongoing updates for review
Flat file options: JSON, XML
Live updates from identity provider?
Banner API for continuous live updates
Blocking vs. expiring patrons
Students are expired and deleted at the end of the semester; staff who leave are deleted
How does this work for users who return at a later time? Account re-established through updates from identity provider
RA SIG working on blocking features (item blocks, patron blocks, manual blocks on user record)
Automatic item blocks (counts of material type)
Requirements needed for block API
Protected fields?
Requirement needs to be added for flat file load protected field functionality
Matching point cannot be on UUID for external identity provider system
Does a matching point exist for ongoing loads? Patty will check with Theo
Need to determine match point and dependencies for ongoing patron data loads
New feature needed: Blocks
May need to discuss more in a future meeting (possibly with RA)
Please add specific requirements needed to Erin's document for consideration