2020-04-15 User Management Meeting Notes

2020-04-15 User Management Meeting Notes

Meeting URL




Michelle Suranofsky
Jana Freytag
Uschi Klute
Brooks Travis
Nancy Burford
Catherine Smith
Matthew Harrington
Philip Robinson



  • Deleting a user.  We want to be able to delete a user. 
    • There is a closed ticket UIU-1079 - Getting issue details... STATUS . This was reported as a bug but closed with no action taken because it was never a planned feature.
    • Created  UXPROD-2388 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • FOLIO User/Password discussion
    • Password field is back in bugfest?
    • Khalilah early April message in Slack- "in Q2 password field will no longer be on user records..."
    • Group wondered why this decision was made
    • Group members do have use cases which require the user password field 

  • User expiration default date feature discussion:
    • The group discussed the following requirements:
      • Each patron group should have a setting for expiration date time-frame (e.g. number of days, weeks, months, years)...so when a user is created and assigned a patron group the expiration date is set automatically.
      • Ideally...there is a default amount of time (e.g. two years) for every patron.  Specific patron groups could then be assigned exceptions (e.g. 1 day for a specific patron group)

      • A new feature was created for this:  UXPROD-2389 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • We spent some time re-discussing the Active/Inactive/expiration date relationship on the user record.  Patty will research the ticket for this.

    • UIU-826 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • And here's the decision to leave it the way it is:  UIU-913 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Our tickets will get some development time in the Q3

  • User record retrospective
    • Retrospective on "organizations" by Dennis was interesting.  Would be helpful to have a similar conversation about the user module including the history of the module.  How did the user record develop?  (e.g. why are the existing fields part of the user module)  Retrospective could include a demo which could be recorded and used by the community.  This would be helpful to inform the re-arrangement of the accordions of the user record.

  • Password bug:
    • Search user "chani" ...click the record....edit...click the 'send create password email'....copy link....open incognito window in Chrome (or new browser)....type password, click set password....error message: "sorry the information entered does not match our records" ...is there already a bug reported for this?  The problem has existed for a while.  Patty will make sure this has been reported.

Future Topics

  • Next week...demo...create a user record.  Look at the existing user fields/accordions.  Brooks &  Jana will walk us through this exercise next week (4/22).  We can use the bugfest environment.

Action items
