2020-09-02 Meeting notes

2020-09-02 Meeting notes




  • Demo departments and preferred name
  • External System IDs.
  • Prioritization of User data JIRA tickets

Discussion items

5minNote-takerMaura Byrne, Nancy Burford

Demo of Preferred First Name and DepartmentPatty Wanniger

Demo done from https://folio-snapshot-stable.dev.folio.org

Departments has CRUD permissions in the UI, and is repeatable.

Changes and updates can be applied through the feed.

The input box, when adding a new Department, should be longer.

If someone changes the name of a Department in the UI, does it apply to all members of that department? It depends on the Department Code - if the code isn't changed, then the name applies to all members of the department. If a new Department comes with a new Code, then it will not apply to users who were members of the old Department.

The listing of departments is currently comma-separated. This could be confusing if an institution has a comma in a department name.

The screen real estate should be adjusted so the column width needed for something like Code (a few characters) isn't the same as Department (several words)

*Note from Maura: The demo appears to address JIRA tickets UXPROD-2147, UIU-1211, UIU-1224, UIU-1225, UXPROD-1790, UIU-1778, UXPROD-1790

External System IDsPatty Wanniger

JIRA tickets UXPROD-2148 (Support multiple external system IDs), UIU-1036 (CRUD External System ID Types):

What is the "External System ID," as defined in the user record? That would be a unique ID established by each institution

UIU-1196 (Create/edit/view External System ID in UI):

The description is editable.  All IDs are searchable to find a patron.

UICHKOUT-551 (Settings CRUD to allow External IDs to be used at Checkout):

The wireframe showed us several External IDs with checkboxes, one of which was checked - meaning only that one could be used for checkout.  Can the UI have all of the External IDs checked by default?  Yes. It is configurable.

There was a question regarding External System IDs being added to users by a central user system without informing the Library.  Would the extra External IDs be added automatically?  No. Without the FOLIO instance configured for it, the External ID wouldn't be added.  When new External ID types are added, we should be able to configure them to be enabled for checkout by default.

Next week

  • Dima from Spitfire team is interested in showing/discussing changes to the User Loader.

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