2019-08-26 RPWG Meeting notes

2019-08-26 RPWG Meeting notes



Discussion items

Update Attendee List
Action Items
Review and update Action Items
Labor Day Meeting CancelledSharon

Please note that the meeting for the Report Prototype Working Group is cancelled on Monday, September 2, 2019 in observance of Labor Day in the U.S. 

Steps for Building Prototypes and QueriesAngela, Vandana

Review Angela's update to Building Report Prototypes page in the wiki.

  • Where does the Data Dictionary fit into this process?

Review Angela's update to the Naming Conventions page in the wiki.

Next Report Prototypes and Queries to DeliverAll

Review RPWG Projects List

For our next meeting...

Future Topics:

  • Definition of "all FOLIO data" required for inclusion in the LDP.
  • Evaluate the data model of the LDP's MARC implementation.
  • Identify representative report queries on MARC records.

Next meeting date:

Using GitHub for developing SQL report queriesNassib

Demonstration of how to contribute a new SQL report query--or a modification of an existing query--using the shared community space in GitHub that has been set up for this purpose.

Refer to Using GitHub to develop report queries for folio-analytics for written instructions.

Action items

  •  Angela to work with small group to look at Resource Access clusters
  •  Sharon to work with small group to look at Resource Management clusters