2019-02-27 RPWG Meeting notes



Discussion items

Meeting LogisticsAll
  • how often?
  • must be recorded
  • time zones

-move work to Slack channel to allow people to work asynchronously?

-meeting 2X per week challenging for some; let's meet 1x per week

-still important to have meetings, keep to one hour

-keep calendar invites up to date

-report back to slack channel after meetings, e.g., sharing notes

-recurring meeting time: 10am Mondays? Check with Claudius and Scott

Connecting to the LDPNassib 

 getting newcomers connected to the LDP instance

-test database we are using to test the database itself and to build new queries for reports

-server is Postgres with 2 ways to connect: directly using db connector (client you are running locally) or using PHP PGadmin

-contact Nassib to get set up

-is pgAdmin close to PhpPgAdmin (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/PhpPgAdmin)

Work so farVeterans

summary of report prototype work done so far

-review Circ reporting data models

-see schema documentation in slack channel; the main tables are under "public"

-Nassib would like feedback on the schema

New eUsage ProjectSharon

From Annika Shroer...

Hi Sharon,

Richard has written a documentation of our API data elements for you now: 

I don't know if the spreadsheet is a good enough starting point for you to get a first impression of our data model. If you like to, we can have a call to discuss/explain the meaning of the elements in more detail.

The table "counter-reports" might be the one of most interest for you, as this is the metadata for the harvested reports. As we pointed out, we do not actually save the single data fields of each report, but the monthly reports as a whole, with metadata to identify them.

In the current design of our "in-app reporting", the statistics previews backend is then querying specific reports (identified by provider, date range, metric type etc.) and is processing the full report. Here is a presentation explaining this design with an example: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1r9KWetrYpQFd79j9uDRZkKEbigGp4mOqkh-a3nXJkq0/edit?usp=sharing

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

What are the next steps you recommend on our way to ingest our data into the reporting database?

All the best,

Other topics?Anyone

Action items

  • Michael Patrick will add documentation on connecting to the LDP using Crystal Reports
  • Follow up on meeting times 
  • Veit will cover today's meeting with Claudius