PC approves new functionality to print reminder notices
PC approves new functionality to print reminder notices
See PC Minutes: 2024-01-11 Product Council Meeting Agenda and Notes
For evaluation of new functionality prior to Tech Council review: TCR-33: mod-batch-print is an Okapi service that can generate pdf files as a nightly job and store them. The files will be accessible from the Users app, and accessed as a list via the Actions menu.
The Odin team has presented and reviewed this new UX/UI with the:
- UM SIG on 1/17 - and gotten the new solution approved - see:Ā https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/UM/2024-01-17+Meeting+notes
- RA SIG on 1/18 - and gotten the new solution approved - see:Ā https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RA/2024-01-18+Resource+Access+Meeting+Notes+-+mod-batch-import+and+patron+notices
Slack vote completed on 1/27/2024: 9 yes, 2 no votes
Here link to the slidedeck presented for both UM SIG (1/17/2024) and RA SIG (1/18/2024) byĀ @Florian RuckelshausenĀ @Nina MorgensternĀ and Charlotte Whitt Ā https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WHbaKSPsoNYqGVbo4PzOUhEb4RlzMt2wVxekO8PPREQ/edit#slide=id.p