SIG Reports 2024-04-18

SIG Reports 2024-04-18

Reports should include:

  • Discussion of specific development areas. Including Jira issues for both features and bugs is helpful.
  • Work related to the FOLIO Roadmap or work that occurred that is not well-represented on the FOLIO roadmap.
  • Information about demos, user discussions, or future functionality for FOLIO.
  • Spins-ups or wind-downs of specific subgroups or working groups in a particular area.
  • Ideas or issues that came up feel outside the scope of the SIG but need commenting.

When you click on Submit Request, this will create a new wiki page that will need to be published.

SIG NAMESIG Convenor(s)PC LiaisonReport and Include any relevant JIRA issuesAny updates to the roadmap?Submit a Request for PC

Acquisitions SIG

Dung-Lan Chen Kristin Martin 

Acquisitions SIG meeting agenda/notes wiki link for more details

  • Thunderjet developer, Damien Guillaume, provided more detailed explanation of updates being made to the “All or nothing” logic in the finance application (March 19 meeting)
  • Discussed WOLFCon 2024 survey (Dennis sent via Slack) voting results and POs, Dennis and Joe, submitted WOLFCon 2024 proposals pertaining to Acquisitions 
  • Discussed Implementers Topics #117- #119 (April 2 meeting)
  • Open discussions on what the group would like to do/see happen for Acq SIG meetings when both Product Owners are not available (April 9 meeting)
  • Number generators in Organizations and Receiving plus Q&A by Martina Tumulla (April 16 meeting)

App Interaction SIG

Martina Schildt Martina Schildt App Interaction SIG continues to discuss Agreements and Inventory interactions.

Consortia SIG

Paul Moeller The SIG has been offering ideas and feedback to Dennis on consortial functions and operations.  We are also working on a survey for consortia on FOLIO functionality, important decision factors when choosing an ILS, and how the SIG can support their needs.  The goal is to send the survey out later this spring.

Documentation Working Group

Katharina Jung Martina Tumulla 

The Documentation Working Group discussed orphaned and new sections of the documentation and possible working group representatives or possible recruitment of new volunteers.

The WG talked about the upcoming Quesnelia Documentation Release and discussed the way to link internally within the documentation website.


ERM SIG: No meetings were held

Agreements Local KB subgroup (Martina Schildt):

The Agreements Local KB subgroup had 2 meetings on the following topics:

  • Owen Stephens updated the group on recent changes to the Local KB
  • Sabrina Bayer presented on  how they use Agreements Local KB at University Library Regensburg

eHoldings subgroup (Zorian Sasyk):

The group has had two meetings so far, focusing mainly on a) establishing an eHoldings implementers list of topics for discussion and possible user stories and b) starting to discuss these issues in meetings. So far, we have discussed the behavior of eHoldings-based external Agreement Lines, both in the Agreements apps search as well as within eHoldings package and title records. This work has generated several user stories and further higher level discussion about Agreements/AGLs in FOLIO.

Implementers SIG

Metadata Management

  • We had another joint meeting with RA SIG to discuss the three-part item state.
  • Bjorn Muschall gave a presentation on custom fields in Inventory
  • We continued the discussion on multiple graphical representations
  • We had a discussion on publication dates (mapping/sorting/filtering) in the 2nd pane of Inventory

Open Access SIG

Björn Muschall Owen Stephens SIG discussed requirements from Bavarian OA team.

Privacy SIG

Reporting SIG

Jennifer Eustis 
  • Reporting App Bugfest testing for Quesnalia completed
  • Workshopping queries as a group in Reporting SIG meetings
  • Preparing pre-conference half day training on FOLIO Reporting for Wolfcon2024 as well as several reporting topics throughout the conference in September
  • Providing presentation on moving from LDP to Metadb in Reporting SIG
  • Volunteer for Reporting Documentation subgroup still needed

Resource Access

Jana Freytag 
  • Bugfest discussion/introduction to Bugfest testing for circulation including lessons learnt and tipps and tricks
  • Quesnelia update report by RA POs
  • Bound-with display in circ apps
  • WOLFCon session planning
  • 3-part-Item-State joint discussion with MM SIG
  • Reminder fees update for Q-Release
  • Bugfest discussion round / trouble shooting

SIG Conveners

Martina Schildt Meetings are held twice a year. Next meeting will take place in March 2024.

System Operations and Management SIG

Ingolf Kuss Ingolf Kuss 

Support SIG

User Management

Maura Byrne Maura Byrne 

We learned about a new app called "Reading Room," and discussed whether anyone used a web-based app to create and print library cards.

We got to see demos of preferred pronoun and custom fields, scheduled for Sunflower release.

We had no agenda for one meeting, and people used that for bug testing on Quesnalia.

Workflow SIG

Ian Walls Owen Stephens 

Dormant SIGDormant Since


Privacy SIG


Public Library SIG

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