SIG Reports 2024-11-07

SIG Reports 2024-11-07

Reports should include:

  • Discussion of specific development areas. Including Jira issues for both features and bugs is helpful.
  • Work related to the FOLIO Roadmap or work that occurred that is not well-represented on the FOLIO roadmap.
  • Information about demos, user discussions, or future functionality for FOLIO.
  • Spins-ups or wind-downs of specific subgroups or working groups in a particular area.
  • Ideas or issues that came up feel outside the scope of the SIG but need commenting.

When you click on Submit Request, this will create a new wiki page that will need to be published.

SIG NAMESIG Convenor(s)PC LiaisonReport and Include any relevant JIRA issuesAny updates to the roadmap?Submit a Request for PC

Acquisitions SIG

Dung-Lan Chen Kristin Martin 

See Acquisitions SIG meetings agenda and notes wiki here for more details if interested -

  • Discussed the want/need for functionality like "Save & keep editing" or similar (Joe Reimers)
  • Dennis provided updates on the small acquisitions integration group' meetings & discussion progresses
  • Held two separate sessions (Oct. 29th & Nov. 5th) focusing on "GOBI Integration" - presenters from different institutions share experiences and compromised they made to make the process work - Kimberly Smith, Clay Oldham, & Suzanne Mangrum from Middle Tennessee State University, Kristin Martin, Scott Perry & colleagues from University of Chicago and Sara Colglazier of Mount Holyoke College/5C
  • Discussed Implementers Topics #150, 151 & 152

App Interaction SIG

Martina Schildt & Tara BarnettMartina Schildt 

Please see 2024 Meeting and topic calendar for our recent and upcoming sessions!

  • Since WOLFcon, App Interaction SIG has mainly been discussing Application Formalization. We continue to watch this process with interest.
  • We will be returning to our Implementers Topics and our prioritized Jira issues in November.

Consortia SIG

Lucy Harrison

Documentation Working Group

Katharina Jung Martina Tumulla No meeting has been held since the last SIG report


In ERM SIG meeting on November 16th Owen Stephens gave an update on WOLCon ERM Workflow sessions. Additionally, the SIG discussed the implementers topic: "Re-think the order of the filters in Agreements and Licenses."

Agreements Local KB Subgroup: no meeting since last report.

The eHoldings Subgroup discussed the following implementers topics:

  1. Implementers topic #8: Multiple AGLs to one eHoldings title/package record

  2. Implementers topic  #9 - Additional coverage display to Package - Title list view
  3. Implementers topic #10 - Package record | Titles Accordion | Change Titles display order

Implementers SIG

Charlotte Whitt

Linked Open DataLaura E Daniels

Charlotte Whitt

Lisa McColl

Revamped meeting schedule following WOLFCon

Continuing some conversations/presentations that we started there

Will be working on some proposed changes to Inventory data (but nothing to share yet)

Metadata Management

  • Currently a new browse function for series is being developed. In an earlier meeting the SIG collected use cases with Christine (PO). She came back to the SIG to discuss a few areas, e.g. when to use series search vs. series browse, and what parts of the instance.series field should be included in the browse index. There are different use cases for a) having everything from this field in the browse (including volume) or b) removing some parts of the field for browse. It could also be a combination of a) and b).
  • Laura brought the topic of ordering holdings and items in the Inventory UI to the group. Everyone who is interested in this topic can reach out to her, so that we can continue working on refining UXPROD-1625 and UXPROD-1635 (and potentially create new tickets, if needed).
  • Jeff from LoC presented the LoC's proposal on how to implement alternate graphical representations into the instance data model. Link to document can be found here. One option would introduce a breaking change to Inventory by changing the data type of some fields like the instance.title from string to an array of objects. An alternative option w/o a breaking change would be to use the alternative title fields with a unique alternativeTitleTypeId. The group was in favor for the first option because this seems as the cleaner implementation from a metadata management perspective. Next step is to get this presented to the PO's and to decide if/how we could continue with this requirement.

Open Access SIG

Björn Muschall Alexis Manheim
  • no updates from OA SIG

Reporting SIG

Jennifer Eustis 
  • Index Data working on pre-1.4 beta release of Metadb software version with improved transformation of JSON data, and has requested testing support from institutions running this software
    • new Metadb feature will allow the Metadb administrator to identify JSON that will be transformed into Metadb tables, which will transform more data from JSON data arrays into columns in tables and may reduce dependencies on derived table development and maintenance
    • We are in need of real use cases covering extensive JSON transformations in order to test fully. Please reach out to Mike Gorrell if you have any questions or are able to contribute some current SQL/transformations you are doing.Thanks!https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CCz2-Y9wzxsmGbggZpnq4CAD6WEoQlPAIDn59Gya0xk/edit?usp=sharing
  • LDP (Library Data Platform) software retirement is May 1, 2025

    • Please reach out to Mike Gorrell at Index Data if you have questions

    • All institutions who have been running LDP should be completely migrated to Metadb (next evolution of LDP software) by that date

  • Reporting App in BugFest for Ramsons: Reporting SIG members testing Reporting App features and performance for Ramsons
  • Reporting SIG is discussing future of derived table development for use with Metadb
    • CTEs (Common Table Expressions), FUNCTIONS, and keeping small number of derived tables all under consideration and analysis, developing POCs (proof of concept)

Resource Access

Jana Freytag 
  • We held a few open discussion rounds:
    • permission naming oddities: For example, some say “Settings (Circ)” and some say “Settings (Circulation)”
    • Quesnelia experiences:
      • User app is faster in Quesnelia
      • Some of the actual cost billing bugs in seems to fixed with Quesnelia
  • The Group started reviweing old Vega features and wants to continue doing so in combination with a prioritization process (will wait for the PC intructions on that)
  • We are still searching for another Co-Convenor for RA SIG

SIG Conveners

Martina Schildt Meetings are held twice a year. Next meeting will take place in March 2024.

System Operations and Management SIG

Ingolf Kuss Ingolf Kuss 

Sys Ops SIG is meeting once a month (+ on demand) on the first Wednesday of the month at 12 PM EST. The last meeting was on Nov 6th . Ingolf gave an overview of recently published methods to deploy FOLIO, with links to the documentations (all on github). There are instructions for with and without Eureka. Most deploy on Kubernetes. There is a single server documention for Eureka deployment, not using Kubernetes. That is intendend for test and development purposes. Most documentations for deploying on Kubernetes use Helm charts, but not all do. Ingolf has tried out some of these instructions on a local test cluster.

Next meeting has been scheduled for Nov 27th (out of the row). Florian Gleixner from LRZ Munich has offered to demo their way of FOLIO deployment.

Support SIG

User Management

Maura Byrne Maura Byrne 

Workflow SIG

Ian Walls Lisa McColl

Dormant SIGDormant Since


Privacy SIG


Public Library SIG

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