2018-07-12 Metadata Management Meeting Notes



Discussion items

Product Council updatedracine

Reviewed gap analysis survey for early implementors – Spreadsheet . + Institutional Product Council member survey (to be posted) ranking EPIC features in JIRA, which will determine how developer time is allocated.
Paula Sullenger is officially new chair, Jesse Koenecke is co-chair.

Subgroup updates

Packages in Inventory – a cross-SIG discussion has been taking place and has made some progress; the Local Package record subgroup will reconvene soon

Batchloader –  incoming MARC, match points for instance, holdings, items, orders, invoices
Analytics/bound-with – Nils presented data structure; working on defining relationship types

Gap analysis – made it through the spreadsheet! some follow-up still required.
--'Previously held' - is this needed? what are functional requirements?

--how to respond to gaps that continue to be added? set cut-off for Q3 2018 and then id gaps for future releases? disambiguate gaps from "aspirational elements"

--what is pre-implementation process for early adopters? more gaps might be identified at the point of preparing for migration

--there are a lot of other apps that depend on how Inventory handles data; the cross-app integration needs to be considered; but there will still be iterative processes and opportunities to continue to add, make changes

--test uploads will ID more gaps

Instance UX – Related titleshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1d_22qbd_T3r_ynYS-Fj3lRpOGkSBXyOL
Inventory demo

quick review to show the work developers have done to implementing the work we did on Resource Type (RDA content), Format (RDA carrier) and Material type. 

Stable snapshot: http://folio-snapshot-stable.aws.indexdata.com/

pwd: admin

Statistical search code vs. Tags in InventoryChristie Thomasto be discussed next week

Attendee list




Alice Krim
xAnn-Marie Breaux
xCharlotte Whitt
xChristie Thomas

Damian Biagi

Dennis Christman
xDracine Hodges
xFelix Hemme

Filip Jakobsen
xJacquie Samples
xJason Kovari

Jessica Janecki

Kimie Ou Yang
xLaura Wright
xLisa Furubotten

Lisa McColl

Lisa Sjögren

Lynn Whittenberger

Mary Alexander
xNatascha Owens

Niels Erik Nielsen

Patty Wanninger

Sarah Schmidt

Tiziana Possemato

Action items
