2017-11-10 Agenda - Instance MARC mapping WG
Topic: Zoom: Instance MARC mapping working group
Time: Nov 10, 2017 2:00 PM EST (US and Canada) / 8:00 PM CET (Denmark, Sweden)
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- Follow up on yesterdays's presentation at the MM-SIG meeting (Filip will be present)
- Continued MARC mapping - see google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kdYx63J0KoqR3-LUHuPAzERgj8WE0OQ08rzuCaJaHWs/edit#gid=952741439
a) Latest comments and input in the spread sheet (Felix?)
b) follow up
Creator - Not required
Creator + Contributor - in one metadata element?
Do we have all MARC fields covered
c) Resource type AND Format - See CW's initial list in the spreadsheet. Comments and corrections. A basic list for alpha, and then a more complete list for V1.
How basic is our list - if strictly MARC mapping (for alpha)
3) Wrapping up - The WG have had 4 meetings; what would be next step ...
- listed documents and input at the landing page for this group - please add, if anything is missing
- looking ahead - Topics, idea, please list more input:
- more UX wireframes
- edit of holdings data,
- the use of "administrative metadata" - Lynn suggest elements that might be associated with Instance/Holdings/Items; we might want to be able to search/facet on those elements, and possibly display some of those elements in addition to the descriptive metadata elements
- more UX wireframes
- MM-SIG or smaller group:
From Laura: MARC fields not addressed in instance mapping – Is there a home for these in v.1?
034 – Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data [i.e. coordinates] – also recorded as text in 255, could 255 be added to notes?
047 – Form of Musical Composition Code
041 – Language – important for music, which often has multiple languages, so single code in 008 is not sufficient
344, 345, 346, 347, 348 – all important to music and/or media – at least map to notes?
344 - Sound Characteristics
345 - Projection Characteristics of Moving Image
346 - Video Characteristics
347 - Digital File Characteristics
348 - Format of Notated Music
- topics for one of the two workshops:
- "Notes" in the instance record, and notes added by using the general Note feature in FOLIO ??? (a similar discussing have been raised in the Holdings WG