2017-10-27 Agenda - Instance MARC mapping WG

Continued MARC mapping - see google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kdYx63J0KoqR3-LUHuPAzERgj8WE0OQ08rzuCaJaHWs/edit#gid=952741439

a) Comments and input in the spread sheet

b) Repeatable and Non-repeatable Codex elements - Felix Hemme's post on Discuss: https://discuss.folio.org/t/august-31st-meeting-inventory-documentation/1229 and talk with ID developer

c) Felix Hemme's discuss post on multipart monographs https://discuss.folio.org/t/multipart-monographs/1347  - add data element for linking between parent/child records to support links between the hierarchy levels? 

d) Classification - add data element for Classification identifier?

e) Resource type - Need to determine where this data comes from -- content, media, and carrier mappings? Those fields mapped in some way to a FOLIO-defined list? See also: discuss post: https://discuss.folio.org/t/resource-type-in-the-codex/1034/5

f) "Administrative metadata" - Lynn suggest elements that might be associated with Instance/Holdings/Items; we might want to be able to search/facet on those elements, and possibly display some of those elements in addition to the descriptive metadata elements

g) "Notes" in the instance record, and notes added by using the general Note feature in FOLIO 

h) From Laura:

MARC fields not addressed in instance mapping –

Is there a home for these in v.1?

034 – Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data [i.e. coordinates] – also recorded as text in 255, could 255 be added to notes?

047 – Form of Musical Composition Code

041 – Language – important for music, which often has multiple languages, so single code in 008 is not sufficient

344, 345, 346, 347, 348 – all important to music and/or media – at least map to notes?

344 - Sound Characteristics

345 - Projection Characteristics of Moving Image

346 - Video Characteristics

347 - Digital File Characteristics

348 - Format of Notated Music