2023-01-11 Meeting notes: JIRA for workflows at Lehigh

2023-01-11 Meeting notes: JIRA for workflows at Lehigh



  • Convener and notes: Martina Schildt
  • Next meeting:
  • New and open Slack channel: #appinteraction_crossapp
    • all members are copied
    • old channel archived

Discussion items

  1. Using JIRA for workflow processes at Lehigh | Maccabee Levine  Dan Huang


  • presentation: 
  • way to interact with the entire library
  • trying to do everythin in a very organised way

  • ILL, website form, lost items, all in one tool and visible to everyone
  • they developed a Purchase Request Platform - PRP App 
  • developed it on free version of JIRA
  • application needs to be able to accept input from librarians and patrons, e.g. Lehigh Purchase Request, with a browser plugin into JIRA
  • https://lehigh-university-libraries.github.io/purchase-request/
  • use of Kanban boards, possibility to move tasks from one column to another
  • JIRA ticket enrichment to get pricing by title via API - eg. OASIS pricing information; there is interest from other vendors as well
  • comment instead of using telephone; communicating with multiple people at once; positive result: faster responses
  • "making sure the whole library works together"
  • PRP App: useful for patron input as well as assisting collectors
  • handling lost, damaged and missing items are pulled in autmatically and replaced
  • communication on existing other copies and pricing for replacement is done via comments again
  • integration with Reshare is nearly done
  • workflow:
    • 5 statuses
      • New - if requests are here for too long, they will be automatically moved to approve
      • pending review - if you do not want to make a decision immediately; if selectors want ot wait whether enough money is left at the end of the year
      • approve
      • declined
      • on shelf

  • FOLIO could build connectors into workflow managers
    • reshare and Jira are both already existing and could be used
  • purchase requests are not yet existing in FOLIO - would be a good improvement in FOLIO but would have to be a FOLIO business object
  • how does communication back to patron works
    • as soon as request gets to final status, patron receives an email automatically (or mail URL for electronic access)
  • if requests comes in via email: librarian clicks on title in the email and does an amazon search
  • training: no elaborate long-term training needed (depending on trainer, though)
  • if Lehigh hadn't already used JIRA, they maybe would have gone for Trello, which seems slightly more user friendly 


00:02:46	Kristin Martin:	https://www.npr.org/2022/11/29/1139765292/one-tuscan-village-uses-wool-insulated-cooking-boxes-to-save-on-energy-costs
00:05:19	Owen Stephens:	6 degrees C here. Evening heating has just kicked in here. I keep it low during the day when everyone else is out 🙂
00:15:02	Charlotte Whitt:	The App Interaction SIG is recommending cross app functionality, so maybe we are one of the very important groups to be ’Public’ - and Open for everyone
00:15:32	Laura Daniels:	good point, Charlotte
00:22:25	Kristin Martin:	Perfectly appropriate to cancel a meeting as needed.
00:22:31	Owen Stephens:	Mainly I’m very happy when meetings are cancelled!
00:22:33	Owen Stephens:	🙂
00:22:45	Jana Freytag | VZG:	💯
00:23:07	Owen Stephens:	Especially this late in the day - I’m happy and I don’t feel guilty that anyone has got up especially early for it in the USA
00:23:24	Charlotte Whitt:	True Owen
00:25:43	Charlotte Whitt:	On Mondays I have a conflict. But if the Index Data meeting ends early, then I can join you
00:26:22	Kristin Martin:	Or Jenn Colt on using Prefect?
00:26:42	Kristin Martin:	Airflow and Prefect were discussed and demoed at an ARLEF meeting.
00:28:24	Martina Schildt | VZG:	I will try to organise that
00:28:32	Martina Schildt | VZG:	Seem to have mic issues
00:28:55	Jana Freytag | VZG:	sounded robotic 🤖
00:30:29	Kristin Martin:	Got another meeting!
00:30:42	Owen Stephens:	I have to go cook tea 🙂
00:31:12	Martina Schildt | VZG:	all good ideas
00:32:13	Martina Schildt | VZG:	For Monday I will try to organise the workflow presentation - if that I will organise one of the options


[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:02:34
Hi! Everyone as as always. Let's give people some more minutes to join, and then we can get started.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:02:41
I think that's give them maybe 2 more minutes until 4 past the hour, and then we can start.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:02:48
I've posted the link to the agenda in our chat.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:02:51
And yeah.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:02:55
We'll note the attendance in the time where we're waiting.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:04:04
Okay. Then I did not finish noting the attendance, but that doesn't matter.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:04:11
Let me share my screen, and we can have a short look on our agenda for today, and am very grateful.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:04:20
After wishing everyone Happy New Year, that we have 2 guests here.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:04:26
That's Daniel and Maccabe who are now today deading how they use Jira to do workflows at Lee High, and maybe just as a brief introduction after the wolf crown that we had last year in September we we thought that it might make sense to

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:04:47
Rediscover this whole workflow topic. There has been a lot of discussions like quite a while ago.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:04:55
There have been youx concepts in the very beginning of a folio project, and it has always been something that was desired as a selling point of folio, like everyone once the workflow engine in in folio, and but other tasks and functionalities are always more important because libraries, needs the basic

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:05:20
Functional analogy. And so we decided that we want to to pick up the topic again.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:05:27
And in our last meeting that was end of last year we had an demo by a Sebastian and Jeremy, who demoed the system Kamunda, which is an external workflow.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:05:38
So you and we may have other just just discussions, and down most in the upcoming meetings.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:05:45
That today we will have. Look at how this is being done in Jira.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:05:53
And with that said, I would love to hand over to yeah, to to you guys, if you are ready, it would be great if you could start, and I will stop sharing my screen.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:06:07
I will try to take minutes while you're demoing

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:06:12
Well, I'm gonna try to share my screen right now to do a presentation.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:06:17
On this side of my monitor. So originally this was a presentation that we did at the Charleston Conference last November, as you see, I've crossed out the conference and just added that this is the fully an app interaction Sig and this is our second version of this

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:06:34
Presentation, so I'm just gonna do a quick go through going through the slides.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:06:38
We can actually get to meet of doing this. So I'm Dan Wong.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:06:42
I'm the resource acquisitions manager here at Lehigh and Maccabe.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:06:45
Levine is a senior library application developer. So Yep, and he's right here with us.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:06:49

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:06:53
So we're not. We're not missing anyone.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:06:56
So really this all begins as a as a story, it's a narrative.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:07:02
It's not just about developing an app. But it's about, how does this serve the entire library and you know we're talking about cross app interaction going across parts of you know, portfolio for different apps.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:07:14
And I'm thinking we we thought about this as a way to interact with the entire library.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:07:19
And this here is a picture of our interlibrary loan shelf here at Leh so you can see it.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:07:24
You know it's you know you have our staff people here.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:07:27
They they don't work in acquisitions, they don't necessarily work in any any of the of the sakes.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:07:32
You know. There's lots of diverse types of people working in the library, and you know, we've done a lot of ebook Pda.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:07:41
And you know, lots of other programs at Lehigh to try to address the fact that, hey?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:07:45
Students want books that aren't necessarily in our collections.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:07:50
We have multiple interlibrary loans. How can we make it so that we are doing everything in the really organized way?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:07:56
And what if you didn't need a specific app, or ios that you know you don't have time to implement like, say, Oh, yeah, this works in like circuitics.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:08:06
But that is to help some who's not a search at Linux Library, or if someone says, Well, I wish I could be in folio.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:08:13
But you know I'm still a Searchingtonics library right now.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:08:17
That doesn't. The fact that you know there's an app that in for specific platform doesn't help in this.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:08:25
So how could we do this with off the shelf technology really quickly?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:08:29
And and that is the crux of why we did what we did so in the past.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:08:33
We've done, Jira as as a workful process for doing project management around the topic of E resource.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:08:41
Renewables like, Alright, you wanted to subscribe to elsewhere this year.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:08:44
What's the cost? How do we renew it? What are the approvals required?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:08:47
How do you mediate that? And how do you have people from acquisitions cataloging, you know, instructional and and teaching and an outreach and a administration all collaborate into one single process?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:09:00
So the rationale is, how, how, why don't we just take this to the next level?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:09:05
And applied for our purchasing projects with, you know, single items so

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:09:13
We've always done this as a library, and I associate most libraries on this call.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:09:18
Can identify with the fact that we depend on patriot input, we've done so informally or in, you know, less coordinated ways.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:09:28
There's been a box where you could have put put a little piece of paper in.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:09:32
I want this book for the library. We have our Iliad, and you know you know, re-share type into library loan prep processes.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:09:40
We have, you know, website forms. So why not make it all go into the same place and have it be visible to to everyone?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:09:48
So let's kinda do like a quick tour of this of this this picture.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:09:53
Here we have the interlibrary loan. Return slips like the little slip that come back in the book.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:09:59
When you have an Iol, or why not use a implicit hatred input?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:10:04
Like alright! So we can see the history of all the loans we've we've had at Lehard.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:10:10
What should we do about those? What if we have lost items that we know are lost?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:10:16
How do we know if we can buy them again? And and should we?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:10:19
What a library as well! To put in requests! And what if you know patrons want to do the requests as well?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:10:26
So the plan is for the application we have to do all these kinds of of of input.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:10:31
It's like here. Here's a picture of the piece of paper.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:10:34
Would you suggest this be added to the Leh libraries circle?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:10:38
Yes or no. So we even have this option where someone sick who's at the front desk and say, Hey, let's just put in use the barcode reader, scan in the thing that you think it's gonna be a hit with with the students, or you see this thing.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:10:54
Come across the desk. What it's it's about capturing.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:10:57
That moment when something needs to be done without a massive, you know, need for infrastructure changes in in like, you know what what your technology stack is, and that's what Jira is letting us do.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:11:12
And you know if if you want librarians to, you know.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:11:16
Say, gave your browsing choice reviews to browsing Amazon.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:11:19
Why not have a way for it? Have a browser plugin where they could insert what they see as they see it into Jira.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:11:27
So, hey, you wanna buy this? Put it in

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:11:31
So you know it leads to a lot of different different types of requests that come in to different queues in it consolidates all of them into one place, so that the library selectors can move a request from one call into the to the next. One.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:11:49
I believe everyone here is, you know, pretty familiar with the idea of a a comb on board, right?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:11:54
So the comb on board is just, you know. It's just a different way of looking at Jira in this context.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:11:59
You could see it as a list, and of course we all use Jira for polio development as as well.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:12:07
The important part is, it's not just, hey? We have the request.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:12:11
Now look at. It's also about building hooks in and from other platforms.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:12:16
And right now we're working with Claritin's oasis team on implementing their Api for purchasing.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:12:22
So let's say, you know, we want this book modern quantum.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:12:25
Mechanics. It helps nobody. We don't know what the thing actually costs.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:12:31
Where it's available from. So the so the declarative api implementation we're working on will help us decide if you want to buy this because it automatically shows what a library vendor is capable of doing for us and it it it's it's solved that problem of okay.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:12:48
You're you are a library. You want to know what's available.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:12:52
I'm going to call down now and try to figure out what the thing costs, or we could just do it programmatically.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:12:58
And I think there's a really good strong case for that call of implementation and folio as well, so that so this jura ticket enrichment is is a major part of why we've developed this.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:13:12
The other part of this is that we. This is what happens in the library all the time.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:13:18
Dan goes. I have a question about this this, this purchase.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:13:21
We don't want to make. Why are we doing this now?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:13:23
So Dan calls up someone in the library or the or they call Dan, and then we and we we forget why we why, we had that whole conversation a couple of days later, what if you were able to just record that as as said to your comments, instead of going?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:13:39
You know, picking up the phone, record your comments and and collaborate with everyone else in the library who has a stake in that particular item, or cool or or discussion.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:13:53
So we were able to respond to these concerns faster. Or what if you say, Hey, you know this book?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:14:01
I'm looking at. I don't really care about it.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:14:03
What if something else in the library was like? Hey, you know, maybe we should, you know, point this out to someone else, and then that kind of collaboration makes it so.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:14:12
We don't really lose something where the patron asks us to buy something.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:14:16
One person said no, but someone else would would have said Yes, and here's why?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:14:21
Because person one can't read person two's mind

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:14:25
So really, this, this is a, this is about making sure the whole library works together and our big idea moving forward is, allow any patient at the library to ask for any purchase.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:14:38
So this is, this is us at Charleston, said wouldn't it be nice if all the publishers got their act together and gave us away, and some open system to quickly assess the viability of something that we want to buy we would organically lean towards still in those requests and you know perhaps

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:14:56
even automatically. If we had those hooks into the app or into folio.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:15:02
So we knew what the cost well with the format. What are the e-book types? Is it?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:15:07
No any book, central, one user or 3 user multiple users?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:15:10
Or is it only in Epsco as one user? And you know, what is that?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:15:15
What's that cost what's the what? What is the discount, you know?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:15:18
And just making that decision, making process faster, because the agility of the library is part of its core mission.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:15:27
We don't just buy a Dda program, because that Dva program might not solve every student's needs.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:15:34
So so the sort of micro transactional aspect of libraries is very important.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:15:39
If you can't afford everything, how are you gonna manage those small transactions one by one by one, that make up your big collection versus having a set of small collections for each individual publisher for each individual platform?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:15:54
So that agility is really where this app really shines.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:15:58
And we need vendors to really support that process, you know, so that you know we can, we can get get, get this done.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:16:06
So this person request platform is really about patient input assisting selectors and getting an action into place as soon as possible.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:16:14
And that collaboration is what makes this really powerful. And really, I think folio needs a similar process, because we don't need to keep reinventing.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:16:23
You know, rote purchasing. We need a facilitate, agile patron centric purchasing, and that's what really you know, keeps us alive as a library to make us really vibrant and really accept all kinds of different people different kinds of learning different kinds of of of you know

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:16:42
formats and materials and teaching styles. That's where we are. And but and that's why we developed this prp app

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:16:52
I'm a look at the chat right now, because to keep waiting for folios, mind reading. App.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:16:56
It's about reading minds of library and

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:16:59
Laura, do you mean that librarians can't reinvinds already?

[Maccabee Levine] 18:17:00
Yeah, that will be. I'm not sure what to see.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:17:03
Well, I'd like to think that at least right now, Clarence, the lasers team knows how to read our mind because they're thinking, okay, well, we have off the buy it kind of stuff.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:17:12
Let's say, it's given the price. Is that all you need to like build a money printing machine?

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:17:18
I'm like pretty much you know that that's all it is.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:17:21
It's we want to buy everything really quickly that students ask for.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:17:25
We just need to know, you know in mass how much you know that's gonna cost.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:17:31
Can we get it? And then we go, okay, so that's under $200.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:17:35
And you know, let's just make that an automatic purchase.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:17:38
That's wonderful. Because, you know, it's that service standard is where, like a library really shines.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:17:45
Oh, AI! Good, good, good question they I think there will be a day when acquisitions stops a week, because AI will just do it all for us.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:17:56
That'll be in 30 years I'm hoping to transition to grounding at that point.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:18:03
But with that said, that can be when you give them a test drive with the application, and I'll stop sharing my screen.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:18:10

[Maccabee Levine] 18:18:11
Yeah. Well, let me, you know. Let me just make a couple of of you know.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:18:16
Add on points to everything you know, can really explain. Certainly.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:18:19
Why we can't route this right? This is a workflow, as you explain, it really helps our staff talk to each other both, you know, the selectors between themselves.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:18:28
And services between themselves and selectors and services, to make better decisions that are in the interests of our patrons.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:18:36
And then, you know, he showed off some of those different sources of inputs.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:18:42
Whether it's from the return slips from your library alone, you know, requests, or just identifying.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:18:48
It's not, it's not AI, but just, you know, looking at if the same thing has been requested by patriots certain number of times over the last small number of years.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:18:56
Well, you know. Okay, there's a signal there as well.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:18:58
So trying to think of patriotism more broadly than just the form that we don't have on our website.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:19:04
Of of you know right now what do you? What do you want?

[Maccabee Levine] 18:19:08
And in in in the theme of, you know, app interaction.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:19:13
Jira is where everything ends up and in terms of those different sources there are integrations with a number of different platforms, folio, of course, being one of them.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:19:27
Dan mentioned that we have one of our clients that handles lost and missing, and now damaged items as well.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:19:33
If they're identified in folio as such in their item status or in statistical code, those are pulled in automatic needed to the workflow as replacement request.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:19:43
So that's one example of portfolio integration as well as for our consortium lending items and reshare.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:19:52
We now, thanks to the reshare team, have integration with with that as well, an alien as well.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:20:00
Dan discuss some of the supporting information or enrichment that we put into.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:20:07
Into our your request, and I'll I'll pull up one of the recent ones of of those.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:20:13
But where continuing to add to that as well, to try to be more more useful, and supply, you know, whatever the information is, it's gonna help the selectors.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:20:23
Yeah, make that make their decision someone to buy it. And the the tech services in terms of of sources I'll just share an example here from a recent juror that came in last month this would have been a lost line of replacement.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:20:41
And so some of the information here are okay. How many times do you decide to circulate?

[Maccabee Levine] 18:20:46
You know, in our current instance, do we have currently lost obviously we do have it because it's a lot of replacement.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:20:53
But we actually have 2 matches, which is more information. That's relevant to our selectors.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:20:57
In our consortium? Do we have any copies?

[Maccabee Levine] 18:21:01
So these use most folio queries. Obviously to tell, we have the holdings as well as Oc.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:21:06
W mitedu queries to check against our consortium holdings, links to things like Google scholar.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:21:14
And then, as Dan described, we have integration with a number of different sources, to see if we can, W.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:21:22
What the pricing might be. So Amazon, not a place that we generally want to buy from, but certainly useful place to get pricing and when it's available, direct, remote access books, we added very recently, is a data source I've just been working today as on what to refer to our oasis pricing integration

[Maccabee Levine] 18:21:44
We also are working with a couple of other vendors who've expressed interest in getting both print and email Api's in here as well.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:21:53
So one of those really worked out. How is he ringcentral?

[Maccabee Levine] 18:21:55
So, so that'll be exciting to get. I hopefully you know, number 2 formats.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:22:03
If you want one simultaneous use, or in simultaneous uses, that kind of thing, and the page that I think I know.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:22:12
Dan shared this in the in the slide

[Maccabee Levine] 18:22:18
Whoops. What if I spell things correctly?

[Maccabee Levine] 18:22:25
Maybe I spelled that right. Someone can try typing clicking on that and see if it opens up.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:22:30
But that list, some of the other, some of the other integrations.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:22:35
If you scroll down to supporting information, you'll see some of the different integration platforms that we have so far.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:22:41
This is really you know, to the heart of that attraction that this is.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:22:46
This is Middleware. And so even where it becomes more useful, the more different platforms interact with and so that's that's a continually expanding list as well.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:22:59
I and I demoed the jira a little bit.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:23:03
I'll just show off, you know, one of the examples of one of the calls that people are a fan of which is our our barcode scanner.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:23:14
So when we have oh, purchase a quest! Sorry we have Intro library loan or a, and we share.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:23:28
Take it. We have

[Maccabee Levine] 18:23:32
There we go, our return slips, and they have barcodes at the top, so our staff can just take that barcode scan.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:23:39
What's at the top I don't have my scanner attached here, so I'm just gonna pretend that this was the barcode that they scanned in and you know, pulls up just to make sure that this is what the user was requesting the the library.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:23:55
Staff members. Yeah, if, though, if the if the patron happened to scribble down any notes on this like, please buy this in print, or I love this book or this was really useful for my dissertation, or whatever, then they could type in the picture comment, hit request item it's, gonna go straight into part 0

[Maccabee Levine] 18:24:13
Dan also showed off the the librarian client I'll just demo that as well.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:24:21
I like to go to choice reviews. This example. One of our librarians, our humanities, librarian as a fan of reading choice reviews.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:24:28
But the idea! Here is the librarian could be on any particular web page.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:24:34
That happens to list the book that they want us to purchase and when I say Web Page, if if you know Gmail is a web page, it it could be a request that comes in by email or outlook or whatever so they select the title, they use a a plugin that I found in the

[Maccabee Levine] 18:24:51
Chrome store to search Amazon for that title. Amazon is only being used as a pass through here.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:24:55
We're not actually buying the thing from Amazon, at least not necessarily click into the book.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:25:00
And then we have via temporary script a little button that shows up here where the librarian can then put in a request right away.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:25:10
Say, yeah, put that to my penny review queue.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:25:12
And I'm gonna look at that later on. And you know, second, we actually get it.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:25:17
And budget code charge to Dan's per, you know something like that.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:25:23
And it's met and that will go straight into here as well just as a as a couple of examples there.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:25:33
The idea is just to make it as easy as possible to get these request in and to broaden our thinking both about where we get requests from, where we where we get patriot interest from, how we identify that, and then making it as easy as possible through Jira, through those enrichments

[Maccabee Levine] 18:25:51
To actually process that transaction and and make it happen.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:25:56
The one final thing I'll I'll describe briefly is just the way that we are using. Jira is a pretty simple workflow

[Maccabee Levine] 18:26:08
Just 5 statuses, everything that comes in more or less because it's new column.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:26:15
Librarians. Once a request is approved, of course they move it.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:26:20
The the selector just moves it to the approved column.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:26:23
If they decline it, of course, if it's been approved, then once it's in the process, then it's available for access.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:26:28
It goes on shelf, and the only bit of complexity here is pending review.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:26:34
That's essentially a bucket holding tech when a request comes in and the librarians don't want to make a decision on immediately, but they want to hold off on it.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:26:43
They can put it in the view, and the the main reason we did that is that there's one bit of automation here after a certain amount of time, that something is sticking stuck in the new bucket.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:26:54
If no one has taken any action on it, it is automatically moved to the approved bucket by a by by agreement with our selectors, and that may vary based on how the request came in.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:27:04
If it was something that was an explicit patron request, or if it was something.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:27:09
For example, last night that was discovered, you know, and replacement is suggested pending review allows them to interrupt that process and say, I'm gonna think about it later, or in the case of many of our librarians, they may have a lot of requests.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:27:23
But limited budget, and they want to think about them all together, closer to the end of the fiscal year.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:27:28
Quarter, or something like that. So Penning review gives them a way to do that as well but it's a relatively simple workflow that that doesn't complicate things too much for for them.

[Maccabee Levine] 18:27:41
I think I will leave it there, and Dad and I happy to talk through functional, technical, anything else

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:27:50
I have one other small thing to add here, and this is some feedback from the Charleston Conference.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:27:55
I got no off Channel, so I want to look at this whole yellow, you know.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:28:02
Easy librarians, decision making page here, so could everyone see this now.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:28:08
So it says, No, you know this is the workflow.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:28:12
This is where library decision happens, and this is where the intervention of the traditional subject library comes into play.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:28:19
The biggest fear I hear at every library I talk to this about is that they're scared.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:28:24
Just lead to uncontrolled buying. We'll blow the budget in the week. Every student will ask for ever.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:28:31
Last thing ever made in. No, that's not what happens, cause they're doing that, anyway.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:28:36
It's just called interlocking loan. It's called, you know, the Canopy Request.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:28:39
Form. Hey! We all probably know about that one and there are all these things where they're already doing it.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:28:46
In 10 different places. One of all went to one place for you could monitor it.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:28:52
You could actually mediate that decision and learn about the acquisitions process, you know, and what goes on, you know, at the library to make those things happen that there's actually a a politically savvy way to manage that whole process.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:29:09
Where everyone, this this process feels really comfortable. Yeah, the deep, our bow, as you know, our big boss, you might know him.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:29:16
He's pretty big in some library circles. You may have heard of him once in a while.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:29:20
Boas really likes the idea that if a student or a professor wants something, it's being handled.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:29:27
The front desk. Staff. Love that they're being heard.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:29:30
That, hey? I've seen this with my eyes and my hands so many times.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:29:36
I'm being listened to finally, and the technical services acquisition staff are thinking all right.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:29:41
So this really helps me keep track of all these different things and makes my job easier.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:29:48
And the subject librarian, you know, really gets assessed to see this process, and you know and control it, and helps moderate it while collaborating with all these people in ways where there may not have been a a traditional channel for for doing that so it's really also not just app for decision making and buying and

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:30:12
Workflows. It's also an app that really fosters, I think, inclusion and conversation. And I think that's really the meat of what an open source project should be doing

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:30:30
I can only say, Wow, I mean, this looks really really great.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:30:36
And Laura says and shed well said, absolutely

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:30:43
So any questions already from from the group, or any commence

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:30:55
One question for me. I mean, this really looks like it works perfectly.

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:31:00
Do you feel you have the need to have anything in folio, any workflow engine?

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:31:07
Or do you think for you couldn't do any better?

[Martina Schildt | VZG] 18:31:09
We are. We are fine with what we have

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:31:13
You know I spoke to Sebastian about that at Charleston, and he was very much enthusiastic about the idea of doing something in folio that mimicked this.

[Daniel Huang, Lehigh University] 18:31:24
You know, he his idea he developed in parallel it