2023-10-23 Meeting notes: Query builder in LDP Reporting App



Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/869183544 


Discussion items

  1. What should a query builder look like across apps?
    1. Demo: Query builder functionality in LDP Reporting App | Mike Taylor 


  • Query builder: questions | where do we have query builder functionality?
    • relation to lists app?
    • UI LDP uses query builder
    • first step: what is available/what do we mean
    • bulk editing?
  • Reporting App since Poppy
  • can work against MetaDB as well
  • real time event streaming
  • new: user can run reports now
  • settings:
    • record limits
    • table availability
    • Database configuration
    • report repositories (eachd escribes area within github)
  • select statements
  • run report - select report from different repositories
  • results are shown in app
  • example: list users by date of creation
  • run reports = available tab in the left pane
  • user can go back to it
  • tabs can be closed
  • limit of # of repositories: there are no limits
  • point to different sections of same repo
  • do the queries need to use functions → that is a question for Nassib
  • request: ability to add sections - functional area in left pane
    • currently: display name, file name, Github repository
    • Sharon will file a ticket
  • build query and load query work together
  • build query → simple, in UI
  • Load query much more powerful
  • user can delete query in "load query" section
  • question: where are permissions controlled?
    • that is a database configuration (URL, User + pw)
    • user who have access to database can see all information
    • it is up to the database to take care
  • Sharon: roles would be great
  • Maura would be interested in permissions for reports (for users)
  • Mike: would be great if Maura could draft a high level JIRA ticket - Maura will bring up the topic with User Management
    •  corrie will create the ticket and share with UM 
  • export as CSV is possible - limits can be set in settings
  • max. limit 100.000 → is often not enough = "can be painful"
    •  Lisa will create a JIRA ticket for the requirement to extend the limit
  • issues are to be found and created in UI LDP in FOLIO JIRA instance
  • Owen in chat: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/projects/UILDP/
  • table availability → can be disabled, e.g. in context of GDPR restrictions
  • there are options to filter by columns
  • Owen: dealing with boolean combinations of terms is sometimes difficult
  • there is no attemot to do anything other than "and" in "build query"
  • would need "load query" query
  • not possible from "build query": course x or y - run it in a particular term
  • in context of creating similarity for users it would be helpful
  • no "contained in" available - but could
  • operator preference / precedence
  • in ERM: OR precedence over AND
  • multiple groups of ANDs are possible in ERM
  • MetaDB 2.0 is done
  • testing for MetaDB: for Q-Release there will be a test instance - Corrie will take that to nassib
  • this is new code - there will be bugs - please test and file bugs 
    • create tickets for the bugs and assign to Mike Taylor
  • documentation for Poppy is worked on

Next steps


18:01:33 From Maura Byrne To Everyone:
18:03:32 From Martina Schildt | VZG To Everyone:
    Hi all, Agenda for today: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/AppInt/2023-10-23+Meeting+notes%3A+Query+builder+in+LDP+Reporting+App
18:20:19 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
    Conceptually it feels like there are some similarities with how we build queries for dashboard widgets (although they rely on the APIs rather than direct SQL access)
18:20:35 From Maura Byrne To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Conceptually it feel..." with 💯
18:23:07 From Lisa McColl To Everyone:
    A label as part of the "Build query" process?
18:23:24 From Scott Perry (UChicago) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "A label as part of t..." with 👍
18:24:21 From Dung-Lan Chen To Everyone:
    Reacted to "A label as part of t..." with 👍
18:27:12 From Maura Byrne To Everyone:
    Can queries be deleted after they’ve been saved?
18:31:04 From Maura Byrne To Everyone:
    I’d be interested in permissions for Reports.
18:31:31 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
    That’s how I think about it too if that’s any support Mike!
18:31:54 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
    Replying to "That’s how I think a..."
    A ‘role’ can be created by defining a permission set that contains all the relevant permissions
18:32:29 From Maura Byrne To Everyone:
    Replying to "That’s how I think a..."
    That’s how I’ve been defining “roles” at UC.
18:33:56 From Lisa McColl To Everyone:
    This is fantastic!
18:34:07 From Mike Taylor To Everyone:
    Replying to "That’s how I think a..."
    Thank you all, this is good to know!
18:34:42 From Lisa McColl To Everyone:
    Exciting development
18:38:25 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
18:38:37 From Martina Schildt | VZG To Everyone:
    Reacted to "https://issues.folio..." with 🙏
18:38:39 From Mike Taylor To Everyone:
    Reacted to "https://issues.folio..." with 👍
18:57:35 From Corrie Hutchinson To Everyone:
    I’m monitoring the bugfest channel in case anyone posts questions there as well.
18:57:42 From Sharon Beltaine To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I’m monitoring the b..." with 👍
18:57:43 From Mike Taylor To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I’m monitoring the b..." with 👍
18:57:51 From Maura Byrne To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I’m monitoring the b..." with 👍
18:59:13 From Mike Taylor To Everyone:
18:59:27 From Jana Freytag To Everyone:
    Thank you, Mike! bye all
18:59:41 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:




Home Organization

Amanda RosTAMU

Ann-Marie Breaux


Brooks Travis


Charlotte Whitt

Index Data

Dennis Bridges


xDung-Lan ChenSkidmore College

Gill Osguthorpe

UX/UI Designer - K-Int


Heather McMillan Thoele


Ian Ibbotson

Developer Lead - K-Int


Jana Freytag

VZG, Göttingen

Khalilah Gambrell


      xKimberly Pamplin

Kirstin Kemner-Heek  

VZG, Göttingen


Kristin Martin



Laura Daniels


Lloyd Chittenden

Marmot Library Network

Marc JohnsonK-Int

Martina Schildt

VZG, Göttingen

Martina Tumulla

hbz, Cologne


Maura Byrne


Mike Gorrell

Index Data

     xMike TaylorIndex Data

Natascha OwensChicago

Owen Stephens

Product Owner -  Owen Stephens Consulting

Patty Wanninger


Sara ColglazierFive Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Kimie KesterEBSCO

John CoburnEBSCO

Zak BurkeEBSCO
     xCorrie HutchinsonIndex Data
     xLisa McCollLehigh
    xJean PajerekCornell
    xMark Veksler
    xScott PerryU. of Chicago
   xSharon BelaineCornell
   xNatalya PikulikCornell
   xKara Hart

Action items
